Dream On
< powr≤t

As you're bony fingers close around me
Long and spindly
Death becomes me
Heaven can you see what I see

Hey you pale and sickly child
You're death and living reconciled
Been walking home a crooked mile

Paying debt to karma
You party for a living
What you take won't kill you
But careful what you're giving

There's no time for hesitating
Pain is ready, pain is waiting
Primed to do it's educating

Unwanted, uninvited kin
It creeps beneath your crawling skin
It lives without it lives within you

Feel the fever coming
You're shaking and twitching
You can scratch all over
But that won't stop you itching

Can you feel a little love
Can you feel a little love

Dream on dream on

Blame it on your karmic curse
Oh shame upon the universe
It knows its lines
It's well rehearsed

It sucked you in, it dragged you down
To where there is no hallowed ground
Where holiness is never found

Paying debt to karma
You party for a living
What you take won't kill you
But careful what you're giving

Can you feel a little love
Can you feel a little love

Dream on dream on


Kiedy twoje ko╢ciste palce zamykaj▒ siΩ wok≤│ mnie
D│ugie i kr▒g│e
Dopada mnie ╢mierµ
O niebiosa, czy widzisz to samo co ja.

Hej ty, blady i chorowity dzieciaku
Jeste╢ ╢mierci▒ i jest ci wszystko jedno
Czy zmierzasz do domu pokrΩcona ╢cie┐k▒.

Nie ma czasu na wahanie
B≤l ju┐ czeka w pogotowiu
Szykuj siΩ na niego - to kszta│c▒ce.
Niechciany, nieproszony go╢µ
Skradaj▒cy siΩ tu┐ tu┐ pod twoj▒ sk≤rΩ
By ┐yµ bez niczego,
»yje w tobie.

Czujesz, ┐e nadchodzi gor▒czka
TrzΩsiesz siΩ i dr┐ysz
Mo┐esz drapaµ siΩ wszΩdzie,
Ale to i tak nie powstrzyma swΩdzenia.

Czy czujesz choµ odrobinΩ mi│o╢ci?
Czy czujesz choµ odrobinΩ mi│o╢ci.....

......ªni▒c, ªni▒c?

Zrzuµ to na przekle±stwo swojej karmy
Och, wstyd przed ca│ym ╢wiatem
To znajome uczucie
Ju┐ dobrze przeµwiczone.

To ciΩ wch│onΩ│o, zaci▒gnΩ│o na samo dno
Na niepo╢wiΩcon▒ ziemiΩ
Tam, gdzie nie ma ┐adnych ╢wiΩto╢ci.

Sp│acaj▒c d│ug swej karmie
Przynale┐ysz do ┐ywych
To co przyjmujesz ciΩ nie zabije,
Ale uwa┐aj na to co dajesz.

Czy czujesz choµ odrobinΩ mi│o╢ci?
Czy czujesz choµ odrobinΩ mi│o╢ci....

......ªni▒c, ╢ni▒c?

T│umaczenie: Eva