< powr≤t

to put it in words
to write it down
that is walking on hallowed ground
but it┤ s my duty
I┤m a missionnary

So here is my confession
it┤s an obsession
I┤m a firm believer
and a warm receiver
and I┤ve made my decision
this is religion
there┤s no doubt
I┤m one of the devout

Trying to sell the story
of love┤s eternal glory

to put in words
to write it down
that is walking on hallowed ground
but it┤s my duty
I┤m a missionary

Spreading the news around
the world
taking the word to boys
and girls
I┤m a firm believer
and a warm receiver
and I will go down on my knees
when I see beauty
there┤s no doubt
I┤m one of the devout

to put in words
to write it down
that is walking on hallowed ground
but it┤s my duty
I┤m a missionary

To put it in words to write it down
That is walking on hallowed ground<


Do ubrania tego w s│owa
Do wyra┐enia s│owami
Do spisania tego,
Czym jest st▒panie po nieskalanej, ╢wiΩtej ziemi.
Co by to nie by│o jest moim obowi▒zkiem
Jestem misjonarzem.

To jest moim wyznaniem
Granicz▒cym z obsesj▒
Jestem mocno wierz▒cym
I zagorza│ym odbiorc▒
Tak▒ podj▒│em decyzjΩ
To jest moja religia.
Nie ma co do tego w▒tpliwo╢ci
Jestem jednym z poddanych.

Pr≤bujΩ sprzedaµ opowie╢µ o
Wiecznej chwale nie╢miertelnej mi│o╢ci.

Jestem misjonarzem
Rozpowszechniam wie╢ci dooko│a ╢wiata
G│oszΩ s│owo ch│opcom i dziewczΩtom
Jestem niezachwianie wierz▒cy
I gorliwie do╢wiadczaj▒cy,
Dlatego upadnΩ na kolana
Gdy ujrzΩ piΩkno
Nie ma co tego w▒tpliwo╢ci.
Jestem jednym z wyznawc≤w.

T│umaczenie: Eva