The Love Thieves |
< powr≤t |
Oh the tears
that you weep For the poor tortured souls Who fall at your feet With their love breaking bowls All the clerks and the tailors The sharks and the sailors All good at their trades They'll always be failures Alms for the poor For the wretched desciples And the love that they swore With their hearts on the bible Beseeching the honor To sit at your table And feast on your holiness As long as they're able Love needs its martyrs Needs its sacrifices They live for your beauty And pay for their vices Love will be the death of My lonely soul brothers But their spirit shall live on in The hearts of all lovers Your holding court With your lips and your smile Your body's a halo Their minds are on trial Sure as adam is eve Sure as jonah turned whaler They're crooked love theives And you are their jailor Love needs its martyrs Needs its sacrifices They live for your beauty And pay for their vices Love will be the death of My lonely soul brothers But their spirit shall live on in The hearts of all others Love will be the death of My lonely soul brothers But their spirit shall live on in The hearts of all others Z│odzieje Mi│o╢ci Ach, te wszystkie │zy, kt≤re wylewasz z ┐alu nad biednymi, umΩczonymi duszami Padaj▒cymi do twych st≤p i ┐ebrz▒cymi o mi│o╢µ z misk▒ w rΩku Wszyscy ci urzΩdnicy i krawcy, rekiny i marynarze Wszyscy dobrzy w swoim fachu; wiesz co, oni zawsze bΩd▒ przegrani Ja│mu┐na dla ubogich, dla tych nieszczΩsnych uczni≤w I dla mi│o╢ci, kt≤r▒ przysiΩgali z sercem na biblii B│agaj▒ by╢ uczyni│a im ten zaszczyt i pozwoli│a im zasi▒╢µ przy twoim stole Tak by mogli karmiµ siΩ twoj▒ ╢wiΩto╢ci▒, tak d│ugo jak im na to pozwolisz Mi│o╢µ potrzebuje mΩczennik≤w i po╢wiΩce± »yj▒ dla twojego piΩkna, drogo p│ac▒ za swe wystΩpki Mi│o╢µ oznacza ╢mierµ dla braci mej samotnej duszy A ich duch bΩdzie ┐y│ nadal w sercach wszystkich kochank≤w Wszystkich masz na swoje skinienie, to przez te twoje usta i u╢miech Twoje cia│o otacza aureola, wystawiasz na pr≤bΩ ich umys│y To pewne jak to, ┐e Adam jest Ew▒, a Jonasz wielorybnikiem To z│odzieje mi│o╢ci, oszu╢ci, a ty stoisz na stra┐y w ich wiΩzieniu Mi│o╢µ potrzebuje... |