cs_boxoffice 2k
De_countdown readme.txt
There's a couple of things that i want to make clear to people
that are going to play this map. First of all, this map was
originally a map for the Hostile Intent mod, but by converting
this to CS its gotten a overscaled look (since the CS players
are alot smaller than the ones in the normal HL, this thereby
creates the feeling of you being ... |
Antyterrorysci: Ci amatorzy znowu zaczynaja
swoja zabawe. Pamietajcie, nie mozecie pozwolic im
odbezpieczyc ladunku. Jesli jednak im sie to uda,
musicie uzyc wszelkich srodkow aby nie dopuscic do
detonacji. Powtarzam, uzyc wszelkich srodkow!
- Prevent Terrorists from bombing the tower or fountain
at all costs. Team members must defuse any bombs
that threaten targeted areas.
... |
Mappack.PL - 04.2002 full
Mapy i autorzy:
cs_tiren - DaveJ (dv@btinternet.com)
cs_hive - Olo (olo@counter-strike.pl)
de_747 - 3D_MIKE
de_clan1_mill - n@rby (fragged101@yahoo.com)
de_clan2_fire - n@rby (fragged101@yahoo.com)
de_down - Bargle
de_kabul - Oli (oli77@go2.pl)
de_rats_2001 - Chris Spain (chris@cyber-rat.com)
de_rock - Ben Thorpe (JSOW) (get_ben_t@hotmail.com) & Matthew O'Gorman (SLAM-E
R) (slam-er@xtr... |
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