Dla klan≤w chc▒cych mieµ sw≤j website/logo/w│asne skiny a nie maj▒cych nikogo, kto by im to zrobi│, pojawia siΩ "╢wiate│ko w tunelu". Grupa Shot & Shell zrobi ci tw≤j website/logo/w│asny skin (za niewielk▒ op│at▒ ofkoz :). Oto text ze strony g│≤wnej grupy:
Shot and Shell is a running business designed to help people who want to improve their appearance and image within the Internet. Whether this is for your team or your themed community site, we cater for a range of different activities and designs including logos, templates and full websites.
Osobi╢cie w▒tpiΩ czy kto╢ z was skorzysta, niemniej dobrze wiedzieµ :D
¼r≤d│o: Day of Defeat HQ