Serwis Half-Life | Day Of Defeat | Counter-Strike | Resublimation | Worldcraft :: Cz│onek sieci 


10-06-2002 Valique
Welcome to the Resublimation Half-Life mod official site! You can read a brief info about the mod in the About section. The rest of the cookies is in the next sections.

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VARDZIO (   2002-06-08 19:06:29
The layout is really c00l, isn't it? :)
I only wonder how long pieces of text are going to be displayed. Note that the background is not seamless at all.
Valique (   2002-06-08 20:28:03
A black background will be there.
Szyman (   2002-06-08 23:33:29
The only problem is with the blue vertical lines in the background. The row which contains the background image isn't placed correctly and thus the lines don't start from where the previous lines end.
Valique (   2002-06-09 13:08:37
F*** it :/

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