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19-07-2002 Valique
Enemy models. A snow guy with AK-47 and an inner-scenery guy with "mini" AK-47.

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VARDZIO (   2002-07-19 23:18:38
Enemies' models look pretty cool. However, I look forward to encountering some snipers in the MOD, preferably equipped with VAL-SS or Dragunov sniper rifles. VAL-SS should be relatively easy to model, and quite attractive to play with :))
Valique (   2002-07-30 02:13:54
The model itself is easy to do but all the f***ing rest is a god damn big problem (there should be some code lines for it, there should be a guy who would have the weapon etc)
Deval (   2002-09-01 22:11:00
Mini-AK??!! Give it some real name. In kalasnikov's page you should find some... VAL-SS? I think that is good weapons and people will like it. What you think about Gepard?? It very nice SMG with many various types of ammunition. Form classic 9x19 para to 9x31 russian grom with core. And about Technika Destroyer- czech sniper gun 12,7x101! . BTW dlaczego piszecie do siebie po angielsku? Dla reklamy?
Deval (   2002-09-01 22:17:57
Destroyer uses new 12,7X101 mm ammo, not the old 0,50' ammo form M2HB so I think it is second if you get the power sniper gun on the world . BTW. Chodzi mi o to, ze ta stona jest stricte miedzynarodowa? Nie ma odmiany "polskiej"?

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