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Spos≤b instalacji modeli
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Najpierw rozpakuj zawarto£µ archiwum na np; pulpit
pliki zawarte w katalogach:
models - nale┐y skopiowaµ do katalogu valve\models
sound - do valve\sound
sprites - do valve\sprites

Wszystkie zawarte tu modele nadaj╣ siΩ do u┐ycia w trybie Singleplayer

Do wykorzystania niekt≤rych modeli potrzebna jest zgoda Autora

Model karabinka snajperskiego 
Archiwum zawiera modele broni, dƒwiΩki broni oraz zestaw sprit≤w dla Hud'a

Model zosta│ przetestowany w HL singleplayer
Model zamieniany: Crossbow

Autor: Gearbox


Model karabinka snajperskiego dla trybu singleplayer - jest to konwersja broni
z Counter - Strike

Model zosta│ przetestowany w HL singleplayer
Model zamieniany: Crossbow

Autor: brak danych


Model karabinka snajperskiego 
* * * * *
This HK 30 DartGun was used in the Half-Life Mod- Chemical Existence.
In this zip there is new sounds and models.
If you haven't guessed this is a replacement for the crossbow.
It's short and packs a punch.

Model zosta│ przetestowany w HL singleplayer
Model zamieniany: Crossbow

Autor: Dr.Nick

HK 30 DartGun.zip

It is a Bazooka, built from scratch, the shape is based roughly from the shape of the one from Kingpin and seen as I couldn't find any information on the internet (I never knew finding for information about Bazooka's or Rocket Launchers online would be so hard) so the textures and the most of it I made up myself....

Model zosta│ przetestowany w HL singleplayer
Model zamieniany: Rocket Launcher

Autor: David "DEfusion" Spurr


Model broni typu Rocket Launcher
Archiwum zawiera modele i dƒwiΩki do podmiany oryginalnego

Model zosta│ przetestowany w HL singleplayer
Model zamieniany:  Rocket Launcher

Autor: brak


Model broni typu Rocket Launcher z gry Gunman Chronicles
Archiwum zawiera modele i dƒwiΩki do podmiany oryginalnego RPG
* * *
This model is only a conversion, that's all I take credit for. The actual 
model belongs to Rewolf who designed the Gunman mod

Model zosta│ przetestowany w HL singleplayer
Model zamieniany: Rocket Launcher

Autor: Iron Cross Punker


Star Trek: The Next Generation Phaser Mk II 'DustBuster' 
to replace the Egon(gluon) energy weapon....

Model zosta│ przetestowany w HL singleplayer
Model zamieniany: Egon

Autor: Scarecrow


Model z filmu "Obcy ≤smy pasa┐er Nostromo"
I thought it was about time that the snarks were replaced,
Face-Huggers from the "Alien" movies being the perfect replacements.
Hope ya like it, It may cause more people to use the snarks........

Model zosta│ przetestowany w HL singleplayer
Model zamieniany: Snark

Autor: Mark "Marquis" Haly


This is a spas 12 (with folded stock) replacement for the shotgun in Halflife.
Its a brand ne model meant for Counterstrike, but i adapted it and i don't
think you will notice It has new sounds, which i think makes it a little more authentic.

Model zosta│ przetestowany w HL singleplayer
Model zamieniany: Shotgun

Autor: Phil Evans


A shotgun replacement model for Half-Life
This is a riot gun, based loosely on the riot gun from Shadow Warrior.
The sounds or modified from this game

Model zosta│ przetestowany w HL singleplayer
Model zamieniany:Shotgun

Autor: Da[\]iel


Podmianka dla Hornet Gun - jakby kto£ nie kuma│ to s╣ ma│e lataj╣ce szerszenie
Archiwum zawiera tylko modele broni.

Model zosta│ przetestowany w HL singleplayer
Model zamieniany: Hornet Gun

Autor: Gearbox

HK 30 DartGun.zip 

Model topora podmieniaj╣cy standartowy │om w Hl'u
* * *
This is an axe instead of the crowbar and On my computer I have a way 
better versionmeaning it also takes more on the system load (is 1000+ triangles)
and its so much better......

Model zosta│ przetestowany w HL singleplayer
Model zamieniany: Crowbar

Autor: Tim Caissie


Co£ mrocznego,zagadkowego i z odpowiednimi dƒwiΩkami - najlepiej nadaje siΩ
do map w klimacie horroru. Mina sterowana krucyfiksem
* * *
This is my second model I have made for half-life the best game on the plant urrm... have fun.Oh and I apologize to anyone religious I didnÆt make this model to offend people

Model zosta│ przetestowany w HL singleplayer
Model zamieniany: Satchel Charge

Autor: Sinky


Podmianka dla Crowbar - archiwum zawiera modele i dƒwiΩki do podmiany
* * *
You can burn this file where you want, but please, advice me!

Model zosta│ przetestowany w HL singleplayer
Model zamieniany: Crowbar

Autor: TFC


It is a very simple conertion, I've copied the egon skeleton and 
replaced with the triangles of the flame thrower from TFC. Have fun!

Model zosta│ przetestowany w HL singleplayer
Model zamieniany: Egon

Autor: Dexter


This is are convertions of the Half-Life TFC grenade launcher, now you can use it in 
normal Half-Life Deathmatchgames. I changed th Hornetgun into a Homing-Missel-gun, now it's more realistic than this stupid XEN-weapon :). It shots little raks like the cool rocketlauncher, HAVE FUN....
I changed the reload animations, some skinns and I searched for good sounds.
And I changed the sprites, now you can see it when you choose the Hominggun.

Model zosta│ przetestowany w HL singleplayer
Model zamieniany: Hornet Gun

Autor: Ixnay


Why have I done this??? Well...The Gauss looks like
So I┤ve converted the Hyper_Blaster from Q2 in HL.
It is my first weapon model.

Model zosta│ przetestowany w HL singleplayer
Model zamieniany: Gauss

Autor: HorusHeresey
