NetWare Client 32 Installation Version 2.11 for Windows 95 INSTALLATION These instructions are to be used with new VERSION 2.11 of Novell's Netware 32-Bit Client ONLY! There are important differences between version 2.1 and 2.11 regarding installation. Please refer to INSTALL.TXT in the ver 21 directory for installing the older Version 2.1 of Novell's Client32. To install the SMC PCI Ethernet adapters, there are a few minor modifications that are needed to the Novell Client 32 installation software before proceeding. These modifications are needed to correct issues where the SMC PCI Network cards are incorrectly identified as other manufacturer's cards. 1) The new version 2.11 of Client32 INSTALLS BEST if Win95 has already correctly detected your network card and installed drivers for it. Because of this, please make sure that your SMC PCI card is properly installed and can connect to either your Netware or Microsoft network using the win95 ndis driver. NOTE: If you are using the newer 9332BDT version of the SMC EtherPower 10/100 PCI card, Windows95 does not have the software to properly configure this card. You will need to install new drivers for this card for it to work. It is also recommended that if you have the SMC 8432 and SMC 9332DST PCI adapters you should upgrade to the latest Win95 driver. Please refer to the WIN_95.DOC file in the \Win95 directory of PCI.EXE for instructions on how to do this. 2) a) If your Novell Client 32 software is on a CD-ROM, you will need to copy the \client\win95 files to your hard disk, preferably into a new directory called C:\CLIENT32. b) If you downloaded the file 95enu_n2.exe for Network installation from Novell's Website, expand this file into C:\CLIENT32 . c) If your Novell Client 32 software is on Floppy Disks, then the modifications can be made to the disks directly. 3) The file that needs to be modified is called NWSETUP.INI. This file usually resides in C:\CLIENT32\ENGLISH or on floppy disk 1. 4) Edit NWSETUP.INI. Comment out the following lines by placing a semicolon, ; ,at the beginning of the line. ;23=ACCODI.INF ;25=DC21X4.INF ;31=NE100SP.INF ;32=NWDLKPCI.INF ;45=ODIDE43X.INF ;46=ODIDE450.INF ;47=ODIDE500.INF Doing this will stop these files from being copied to your \Windows\Inf directory and prevent Win95 from incorrectly identifying your SMC card. 5) Go to C:\CLIENT32\ENGLISH and run SETUP.EXE to start the Installation. 6) The box " Upgrade NDIS drivers to ODI Automatically, if available" will be checked by default. Novell recommends leaving this box checked unless you have a need to run with the default Microsoft NDIS drivers. 7) Click on Start 8) If the installation prompts you to choose your adapter, go to the SMC section and pick the driver that matches your SMC PCI adapter. 9) Once the installation is completed, reboot your computer. Note: Look at Troubleshooting below on line speed setup for SMC 9332 10/100 adapters. UPGRADING FROM PREVIOUS VERSIONS OF CLIENT32 If you already have a previously installed version of Netware Client 32 on your computer you will need to remove it before the installing the SMC PCI adapter. For help in doing this task refer to document TID #2905897 (Reinstalling network drivers in Windows 95) on the Novell Support Encyclopedia or Novell's Web Site ( TROUBLESHOOTING ********************************************************************** FYI IF YOU NEED TO UNINSTALL NETWARE CLIENT 32 NOVELL HAS A UNINSTALL UTILITY CALLED UNC32.EXE. THIS FILE IS AVAILABLE IN THE W95UT1.EXE UPDATE FILE AVAILABLE FROM NOVELL. SMC DOES NOT SUPPORT OR TROUBLESHOOT THIS FILE. IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS WITH THE UNINSTALL UTILITY YOU NEED TO CONTACT NOVELL. ********************************************************************** CANNOT LOGIN OR SEE OTHER USERS ON THE NETWORK / PORT PARTITIONED ON HUB If you are installing either SMC 9332DST or 9332BDT 10/100 PCI Adapter the line speed is set to 100 Mbps by default. If your network is running at 10 Mbps you will need to go into Settings, Control Panel, Network, highlight the SMC 9332 driver and click on Properties. Within Properties, click on Advanced and change the Line Speed from 100 to 10. WINDOWS 95 DETECTS YOUR CARD AS A NON-SMC ADAPTER. If you experience problems with your SMC card being recognized as another other manufacturer's card, you may have installed Client32 without having made the proper changes to the NWSETUP.INI (see STEP 4 under INSTALLATION). Go to your C:\WINDOWS\INF directory and check to see if any of the following files are present: ACCODI.INF, DC21X4.INF, NE100SP.INF, NWDLKPCI.INF, ODIDE500.INF, ODIDE450.INF, or ODIDE43X.INF. Delete these files if they are present. Also, follow step 4 of the INSTALLATION and edit NWSETUP.INI. Then, go to Network in Control Panel and delete the non-SMC adapter. Say Yes to 'Restart your computer'. If you still experience problems, refer to your Novell Documentation for removing your existing Client32 setup and being your installation again by first making sure you can connect to your network (see step 1). RED BOX ERRORS UPON BOOTING If you experience 'Red Box' errors during bootup asking for a slot number or asking if you want to load another frame type could me caused by ver of LAN driver. Please make sure that the version of the SMCPWR.LAN driver copied to your C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32 subdirectory is the same version that shipped with your CLIENT32 software (\CLIENT32\ENGLISH subdirectory dated 5/16/96). Note: Newer verisions of SMCPWR.LAN can cause this problem so if you have update the SMCPWR.LAN driver you must go back to the 5/16/96 driver. This driver is included in the Client32/ver211 dir located in PCI.EXE. If you still experience problems, refer to your Novell documentation for removing your existing Client32 setup and then begin your installation again by first making sure you can connect to your network (see step 1).