840-PD.COM [Options] A. The 840-PD.COM is a packet driver on DOS: To run the 840-PD.COM directly on the DOS prompt - [driver:\path\]840-PD.COM B. Functional Description: 1. Supported functions for FTP 1.09 spec. are driver_info(), access_type(), release_type(), send_pkt(), terminate(), get_address(), reset_interface(), get_parameters(), set_rcv_mode(), get_rcv_mode(), set_multicast_list(), get_multicast_list(), get_statistics(), and set_address(). 2. Packet Driver command options : 1) 840-pd [packet_int_no[id=xx_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx][full/half][ls=10/100] [bl=0/1/2/4/8/16/32][ca=8/16/32][tt=0/0x01--0x7f]] packet_int_no packet_int_no is the software interrupt number,and in the range 0x60 through 0x80 (including 0x60 and 0x80).The default value is 0x60 (0x60 means 60h). id= Physical Address, Select a specific 840 card if there are multiple 840 adapters. full/half The parameter 'full' and 'half' is used to set the full duplex function of the 840 adapter. This adapter can be in half or full duplex mode. So 'full' and 'halt' do not co-exist. In half duplex mode, the W89C840 can only either transmit or receive. In full duplex mode, the W89C840 can transmit and receive at the same time. If user does not set 'full' or 'halt' in the command line, this driver will auto detect the full duplex function. ls= The parameter 'ls' is used to set the line speed. This adapter can be operationed in 10M or 100M Mbps. The reasonable values is 10(set as 10M) or 100(set as 100M). If user does not set this parameter, this driver will auto detect the line speed. bl= The parameter 'bl' is used to set burst length. The default value of the burst length is 6. Burst Length defines the maximum number of long words that can be transferred within one PCI burst transaction. The reasonable values are are 1(1 longword), 2(2 longwords), 3(4 longwords), 4(8 longwords), 5(16 longwords) and 6(32 longwords). ca= The parameter 'ca' is used to set cache alignment. The default value of cache alignment is 3. Cache Alignment defines the address boundary for data burst. The reasonable values are 1(8 longword alignment), 2(16 longword alignment) and 3(32 longword alignment)." tt= The parameter 'tt' is used to set transmit threshold. The default value of transmit threshold is 0. This value decides the transmit threshold level of the transmit FIFO. Transmission will start immediately after the transmit FIFL has reached the threshold level or full pkt has been transferred to the transmit FIFO if the frame length is less than the transmit threshold level. TxThreshold Transmit Threshold Level 00H full pkt 01H 16 bytes 02H 32 bytes -- -- 7FH 2032 bytes" nway= The parameter 'nway' is used to disable or enable the autonegotiation function. The default value of nway is on. The reasonable values are OFF and ON. 2) 840-pd -U/-u packet_int_no Specify option 'U' or 'u' to unload the packet driver using the specific packet_int_no. 3) 840-pd ? Display packet driver command options.