- Paolo and Remigio Cordioli founders of Parent Project site in Villafranca - Jeff Eidsness - Christopher and Patrick Furlong - Debra Louise Glann - Rod Grizbear - Matt Haynes - Richard Henderson - James Lambert and his family - Martin and his page about Benign Congenital Myopathy - Cody Namesnik - Petri Niemela - Melissa Richardson - Kevin M. Rudolph - Thomas Saccomanno - Ryan Santolo - Mark Shager - Zack Stark - Ryan StruckJOURNALS :
- Basic and Applied Myology - Biophysical Journal (Muscle and contractility, Proteins in the topics covered) - Cell (dystrophy in the search area; order FAX available) - DM (Distrofia Muscolare: the official magazine of UILDM - in Italian) - Journal of Biological Chemistry (muscular dystrophy in the search field: Words anywhere in Article) (Free abstract - Full texts for members only) - Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility - M.D.A.'s Muscular Dystrophy Association - Messenger - Nature - Neuromuscular Disorders - Nature geneticsRESEARCH CENTERS AND UNIVERSITIES:
- Children's Hospital - Boston - Boston University Neuromuscular Research Center (Surface EMG) - Leiden University Medical Center - Holland - Medical Genetics - Duke University Medical Center (Bethlem Myopathy director Dr. Marcy Speer) - Manchester University - North West Regional Neuromuscular Unit - Melbourne Neuromuscular Research Center (Research publications) - Muscle physiology lab - University of California (The introduction to muscle physiology) - Pittsburg Gene Theraphy Center - TIGEM - Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine - TIGET - Telethon Institute for Genetic TheraphyASSOCIATIONS :
- ENMC - European Neuromuscular Centre (Diagnostic Criteria for Neuromuscular disorders) - MDA - Finland - MD - England (- Fact sheets - Research - Care - Muscular biopsy) - MDA - USA - MDA - Australia (- Parent's guide - Discussing MD with children - Discussing MD with children, Italian version - FAQ) - MDAC - Canada - MuscleNet - University of Padova - Muscle Power - England - Parent Project : USA, Italy - Polish Neuromuscular Association - Telethon - Italy (Achievements) - UILDM - Unione Italiana Lotta alla Distrofia Muscolare (It is in Italian but an English version is also available) - VSN - Holland - WMS - World Muscle SocietyMAILING LISTS :
- MD-List@Basix.COM -
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