Tatry Wysokie

If you like to move to other sector of the map, click near the border of the current sector in direction you like to move. For more information click here.

Main Map

Following pictures were made from the area of above map sector. Only titles with previews of the pictures are shown. You can get full size, true color picture by clicking on the preview, or picture description by clicking on the info button (if exist). Some pictures can be placed in the group. In this case click on the group button.

Gesia Szyja

Widok z Rusinowej Polany w strone Doliny Waksmundzkiej

Hotel gorski na Kalatowkach

Widok z Siedlarskiej Drogi w strone Doliny Waksmundzkiej

Widok z Glodowki na Tatry Bielskie

MM - Tatras Server - Nov 4, 1995