Runtime Plug-in for Linux, JavaTM Edition
The Runtime-plugin for Linux is available on both glibc and libc5 platforms. The following configurations are absolutely neccessary:
chmod +x activator-linux-libc5 ./activator-linux-libc5
By default, the plugin is installed in user's home directory. It is also possible to install a single shared copy of the Java Plug-in. You need to set up a shared directory "foo" to have both a plugins sub-directory and javaplugin sub-directory.
foo/plugins foo/javaplugin
Start by doing a normal install of the plugin, and then move the files to the shared directory. Specifically, move the files from ~/.netscape/javaplugin to foo/javaplugin and from ~/.netscape/plugins/ to foo/plugins/
For each user using the shared install, make sure that they have foo/plugins on their Netscape NPX_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable when they run Netscape.
NPX_PLUGIN_PATH=/usr/local/foo/plugins:/some/other/directory; export NPX_PLUGIN_PATH