Download (134kb) The newest winamp skin of my authorship. Installation instructions: Simply. Unzip into your ' winamp\skins\ ' directory then click alt+s in winamp and select 'Blumchen Amp'. Enjoy! wallp2.jpg (54kb) Another windows wallpaper. If you don't have Windows 98 or MS Plus! then before you use it, you must convert it to BMP file! wallpapr.jpg (337kb) Nice windows wallpaper with Jasmin portrait. If you don't have Windows 98 or MS Plus! then before you use it, you must convert it to BMP file! (220kb) New version! Especially for all Blossom fans - wallpaper & logos with Jasmin portrait. (4kb) Disappear is a little utility that makes the background of Windows 95 (98) icons on the desktop disappear. To use the program just place it in the æStartup FolderÆ. Copyright 1998-99 by Ryu - - last update: 24.03.99 |