Duke Nukem 3D .MAP Authoring Template v1.00001 ================================================================ Title :El Catedral del Espiritu Sancto v2.9 beta Filename :CATHDRL.MAP (distributed as part of CATHDRLD.ZIP) Note that this version fixes the unplayable version 2.8 in that I have reduced (I think) the # of Dukematch starting points to 8. Author :Jordan J Wales (aka Percival) Email Address :102137.1604@compuserve.com Home Page :http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/jwales Misc. Author Info :Creating cathedral levels for 3D games has become an obsession for me. Description : Catedral del Espiritu Sancto was once the greatest Cathedral in all Christendom... Then, it was overrun by evil aliens. Lying in darkness, but a shadow of it's former self, it awaits. Only you can purge this holy place of its black curse. This level originally appeared as CATHDRL.WAD for DOOM2 (which I created as well). I used WAD2MAP to (sorta ;) convert the base and then I moved in with BUILD, fixing all the textures, and putting some cool new things in. The current version (2.9b) of CATHDRL is in beta stage. There are certain things that don't work correctly, there is no level exit, and the Dukematch isn't totally balanced. However, it is still great fun. I welcome comments. Oh, and in case you were wondering how this is v2.9 and still a beta, keep in mind that .90 through 1.9 were incarnations of CATHDRL.WAD; 2.0 began with CATHDRL.MAP. (Now _that_ was a tasty tidbit of information). PLEASE do NOT make changes to this level and redistribte it. Look around, get inspired, but please don't take anything out of CATHDRL and use it in your own maps. This isn't because I wanna be a jerk; it's so I retain control over what happens to CATHDRL. (i.e., don't make CATHDRL2, CATHDRL3, like the Assault levs). If you really want to make a change, or create a new map through changing mine, just send me some e-mail and we'll work it out. ;) Additional Credits to : 3D Realms: (duh) Mr Bonus: I still relish memories of the first time we played DOOM and I actually was beating him... For a very SHORT while... Edwardo: He helped me work out the bugs on CATHDRL.WAD, so indirectly he's partially responsible for CATHDRL.MAP Vindicator: Don't know who you are, but you have the handle I've been using for years in FALCON 3.0, XWING, and (until I got on TEN), Duke. Because of you, I had to remove the "BY VINDICATOR" line from the wall of the catacombs. You played a very important role in my 3D gaming career, forcing me to become Percival. Well, worse things happen. Ken Follett: The author of "The Pillars of Earth", the novel that started my obsession with cathedrals, gothic architecture, and breaking stained glass windows (which was my primary reason for getting HeXen). QLax: Beta-tested my level. Boosts my ego every so often by allowing me to beat him in "Toxic Waste Dump" ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : User Lev Single Player : Coming soon but not right now... DukeMatch Level : Yes! Difficulty Settings : Still don't know how to do that... * Construction * Base : CATHDRL.WAD (created by me) Editor(s) used : BUILD, WAD2MAP, DCK 3.61 (for preparation of the WAD) Known Bugs : Transporter sound when you fly down the hole into the catacombs. Dukematch starting positions are sometimes VERY unfair. No sounds for doors, fire, or waterfall (haevn't checked out BUILDHLP on how to do that... * Where to get this MAP file * - On my homepage, at http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/jwales - On Compuserve, in the Modem Games and Action Games forums