***RMAPS EDITORIAL VERSION 1.1*** Well, this is the first version of the editorial so I guess it will be short. I have decided to make this to help anyone who has a great interest in Duke Nukem 3D but doesn't have as much time as me to look around for utilities and levels. WHAT'S NEW WITH THIS VERSION ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Well, let's see... Of course there's this file, ! DUH !, but other than that there are many things. First of all, RMAPS has gotten an official home base! World of Your Imagination, a BBS on which I am co-sysop, has accepted to be the home base for all future versions of RMAPS. So if you want to get future levels, you can call and be sure they are there! World of Your Imaginations (W.O.Y.I.) == ***514-624-8208*** If you want to leave me a message, my allias is ENTERPRISE. Also, with this version I have decided to include many places to get levels. Here they are... ---> BBS ^^^ Red Dwarf --> 514-767-9095 Red Dwarf2 --> 514-767-6385 Next Generation --> 514-272-3587 World of Your Imagination --> 514-624-8208 INTERNET SITES ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ http://www2.awinc.com/users/dgronlun/duke3dlevels.html ftp.cdrom.com (these sites may not be correct) If you run a BBS or Internet site with Duke Nukem 3D levels, please inform me and I will add your site to the list. Thank you and thank Eric Lancheres (King Kong at W.O.Y.I.) for the sites listed above. Also new in this version, the Duke Nukem 3D story line will be included in the archive. (If it is not, do not fear! For I am lazy and might forget) MISC ^^^^ Well, I have decided to include a list of files which I have found to be interesting. A *** beside them means you can get them at W.O.Y.I. 2STORY.ZIP MAP EXCELLENT :) *** DARKHART.ZIP MAP UN-RATED :? *** DHOUSE.ZIP MAP OK :| *** HOMER.ZIP RTS EXCELLENT :) *** MANCER.ZIP MAP EXCELLENT :) *** THE BEST!!! SIMPSONS.ZIP RTS EXCELLENT :) *** RMAPS.ZIP MAP EXCELLENT :) *** RMAPS ver 1.0 RMAPS2.ZIP MAP EXCELLENT :) *** RMAPS ver 2.0 RMAPS11.ZIP MAP EXCELLENT :) *** RMAPS ver 1.1 BRIDGES.ZIP BHLP UN-RATED :? *** BUILDCMD.ZIP BHLP BAD :( *** DOOR20.ZIP BHLP UN-RATED :? *** DOOR23.ZIP " " *** DOOR26.ZIP " " *** DOOR9.ZIP " " *** DOORS.ZIP " " *** GLASS.ZIP " " *** MAPFAQ01.ZIP BHLP EXCELLENT :) *** MAPFAQ02.ZIP BHLP EXCELLENT :) *** SUBWAY.ZIP BHLP UN-RATED :? *** WATER.ZIP " " *** WINDOWS.ZIP " " *** If you have made a level or a help file or an RTS file please let me know so I can add it to the list. If you would like me to rate it, you will have to send it to me so I can test it myself. PLACES TO REACH ME AND SEND ME FILES ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -World of Your Imagination --> 514-624-8208 My allias is ENTERPRISE. To send me a file, upload it like any other file and in the description write "to ENTERPRISE" -Red Dwarf --> 767-9095 & 767-6385 My allias is ENTERPRISE. Please send MAIL ONLY -E MAIL me --> richard.racicot@nextgen.mba.org NO ATTACHEMENTS PLEASE! LEVEL NOTES ^^^^^^^^^^^ MANCER01 <<<<< I have played this level alot and find it to be very interesting! It is made by COLE SAVAGE (MANCER) is small but extreamly well made. If you would like a copy, you can E-MAIL him at cole@dodgenet.com I find it is amazing! It might show up in RMAPS version 3.0 Hey! You're actually reading this?? Cool! Try opening the wall on the right side of the pool in Transit.Map! It's near the diving board on the side closest to the houses! Well! That's all for this version of the editorial! If you have any comments or articles you would like to post in the next editorial! RMAPS CREATORS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Richard Racicot (Enterprise) richard.racicot@nextgen.mba.org Eric Lancheres (King Kong) ------not disclosed------------ ----===========THANK YOU============----