Name: N1.ZIP AUTHORS: RIPtide(RIPtide made the main base of the level and I added alot on) Jeff Morin (OZZY.O) E-MAIL ADDRESS: RIPtide: Jeff Morin: DISCRIPTION: It's a city/work site/battle zone type level.So i guess you could say it has everything in it.Hey,we like it so if u dont,we dont care.Its a good level. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= SINGLE PLAYER:-------- NO COOP:----------------- NO DUKEMATCH:------------ YES NEW SHIT?:------------ NOTHING EDITOR USED:---------- BUILD BUILD TIME:----------- Probaly a month.We did it when we felt like doing it. BUGS?:---------------- NO,there shouldn't be any ============================================================================= ============================================================================= CREDITS: Brett Gmoser and Klaus Breuer for there Build Tutorials and 3DRealms. (Admit it,Duke is better than Quake) ============================================================================= ============================================================================= COPYRIGHT/PERMISSIONS: You may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels, concatenations, or otherwise. You may NOT modify this level without our permission. We would like for you to help us distibute this map.BUT, You MUST include the Text file with the original MAP. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Sept.29,1996 Text File By Jeff Morin "HEAVY METAL FOREVER!!"