====================================================================== >Name : Sgnome.map (beta) >Author : J. Slagz >E-mail : jslagz@coredcs.com >Web Page : *8) > >Description : Well, it's a city level designed for deathmatch. It has different buildings, sewers, underwater sections, three story sky- scraper, and oh yeah, you're tiny sometimes. > > >Additional Credits to :I'd like to thank my mom, Glim (testing and ideas), everyone that helped test, and YOU! > >====================================================================== > >* Play Information * > >Episode and Level # : You pick! Weeee! >Single Player : No >DukeMatch Level : Yes!!!!!! >Difficulty Settings : Not implemented > >* Construction * > >Base : New level from scratch/Modified (Map name) >Editor(s) used : Build.exe >Known Bugs : Some windows in the sky scraper freak out. It's not really a bug, it's just the engine getting upset cause I cheated to get a more realistic building. And in the underwater part you can cycle over and over when traveling up in one part. Can you help with that? > >* Where to get this MAP file * > >FTP sites: > >BBS numbers: > >Other: Hmmmm... Hopefully anywhere. I don't have the WWW addresses for the places I'm sending, but check these. : Illusio's site : www.filefactory.com : Anything on my bookmarks page. (This will help you only if you're a spy.) > >Thanx, SuPeRgNoMe!!!!!! >=====================================================================