This page is dedicated to bringing you the latest in movie news hosted by the best character on SCTV (in this fan's opinion), played by the excellent Joe Flaherty.
AAAaaawwoooo! I bid you....welcome to issue #16 of Count Floyd's Movie News. Ahh, October is here. I love the smell of pumpkins in the morning. I just flew back from the local theater here in Mellonville called The Odious after a screening of "Blade" starring Wesley Snipes.
Blade is based on a Marvel Comics hero whose pregnant mother was bitten by a vampire. Blade is spared the indignities of being a vampire until he reaches puberty, when the thirst for human blood overtakes him. He is rescued from the streets by a human vampire slayer named Whistler, played by Kris Kristofferson.
The film opens with a twentysomething guy and gal getting past a doorman at an underground rave, held in a meat packing plant. The place is packed with strange looking folks having a good time dancing to the beat. The guy soon realizes he has little in common with these folks when blood starts to pour out of the fire extinguishers in the ceiling. He starts to freak when they bare their fangs at him; just before he is bitten, the crowd parts. Standing there is Blade, played by Wesley Snipes dressed to the nines in his leather clothes complete with throwing knives, shotgun and samurai sword. That's when the fun begins.
Blade kicks some royal vampire "A". Gee, I'm glad I wasn't at that party. That scene set the tone for the whole movie. The boss who organizes the raves is called Deacon Frost, played by Stephen Dorff. He is a renegade vampire who pisses off a counsel of "pure blood" vampires led by Dragonetti, played by Udo Kier. I haven't seen Udo since he played in "Andy Warhol's Frankenstein and Dracula" in the 1970's. He has aged well and I think we'll see more of him in the role of the European villian. He has Bond villian qualities. I'm not much of a Kris Kristofferson fan but he is cool in this film.
The action is intense so if you are a lightweight this film might not be for you. Wesley Snipes really pulls this one off and is totally believable as Blade. I am a new fan and I hope to see a sequel of this one.
Well, the music is starting so while I dance please help yourself to some movie news.
I'd like to recommend "Batman and Robin" as video fare next time you are perusing the shelves of your local video store. I know, I know. People and critics poo-pooed the film when it first came out but it seems to play better on the small screen. This time around Batman is played by George Clooney. He is joined by Chris O'Donnell as Robin. That's for the gals. (I think they like it when you call them gals or honey. Try it at work but make sure you are wearing your steel cup.) For the guys, you have Uma Thurman as Poison Ivy and Alicia Silverstone as Batgirl. Ummm, Alicia. Arnold Schwarzenegger plays Mr. Freeze who is out to freeze mankind while trying to find a cure for his frozen wife. Mr. Freeze is joined by Poison Ivy who is bent on destroying mankind so plants can take over the world. Most of the budget for this film went into special effects and it shows. The freeze effects are especially well done. I do have to admit that they could have thrown more money into a tighter script but the film qualifies as a popcorn movie. If you decide to see it don't be in a serious mood. Pick it up like you would a comic book and sit back and relax. You won't need your brain for a few hours.
Congratulations go to Chris B. who becomes the new Triviameister of Mellonville for being the first person to answer last issue's trivia question which was: "Which two actors appeared in almost every Joe Dante movie? The correct answer is Joe Miller and Robert Picardo. The following people also answered the trivia question correctly: Victor C., Peter G., Patti, I. Chad S., Steve B., Tony B., and Alaina H. Quite a few readers responded with Kevin McCarthy. Wrong, but in honor of his body of work The Haunted Survey will have a question concerning Kevin McCarthy.
The new Triviameister of Mellonville asks the following question: "What actor in the recent hit "Titantic" also appeared in the TV movie "SOS Titanic"? You can become the next Triviameister by being the first person to answer the question correctly by clicking here. Good luck. AAAAaaawwoooo!
Welcome to The Haunted Survey, a place where your voice can be heard. The last survey question was "Which movie critic do you agree with the most? The survey SAYS:
AAAaaawwoooo! Count Floyd will return in issue #17 titled "A ViewMaster To Kill For" due out on 11-28-98 or so.