BUTTERFLY CONSERVATION GARDEN BUTTERFLY SURVEY RECORDING FORM ------------------------------------------------------------------- Full Name Year Address Post Code O.S. map grid reference of garden Please tick or circle your answers 1. Are your garden surroundings: Urban Suburban Rural 2. Is your garden: Large (1/2 acre or more) Medium (1/4-1/2 acre) Small (less than 1/4 acre) 3. Is your garden: Open to the sun Shaded Partly Shaded 4. Is your garden near: Woodland Wild Grassland Wasteland Railway line Heathland Farmland 5. Does your garden contain at least one Buddleia bush? Yes No 6. Do you grow plants especially for butterflies? Yes No 7. Do you grow caterpillar foodplants? Yes No Please use the reverse side to record the butterflies you see in your garden. Try to give a date when you first saw the butterfly, otherwise just put a tick for the DATE . Thank you very much for your help. Please return the completed form by the end of November to : Dr Margaret Vickery, 3 The Deer Leap, KENILWORTH, Warwickshire, CV8 2HW BUTTERFLY CONSERVATION GARDEN BUTTERFLY SURVEY RECORDING FORM ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BUTTERFLY DATE PLANTS USED AS NECTAR SOURCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Brimstone Comma ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Common Blue Gatekeeper ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Green-veined White Holly Blue ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Large Skipper Large White ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Marbled White Meadow Brown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Orange Tip Painted Lady ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Peacock Red Admiral ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ringlet Small Copper ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Small Heath Small Skipper ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Small Tortoiseshell Small White ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Speckled Wood Wall Brown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (space for further butterflies) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For further details on joining Butterfly Conservation please telephone 01 206 322 342. Current butterfly sightings can be obtained by ringing BUTTERFLY LINE regularly on 0891 884 505. Calls charged at 49 pence per minute peak rate and 39 pence at all other times. Profits are used for the conservation of butterflies and their habitats. BUTTERFLY LINE is updated weekly during the flight season and fortnightly at other times. HEAD OFFICE: P.O. 222, DEDHAM, COLCHESTER, ESSEX, CO7 6EY. Telephone: 01206 322 342. THE BRITISH BUTTERFLY CONSERVATION SOCIETY LIMITED REGISTERED OFFICE: SHAKESPEARE HOUSE, HIGH STREET, DEDHAM, COLCHESTER, ESSEX, CO7 6DE REGISTERED IN ENGLAND NO 2206468. REGISTERED CHARITY No. 254937 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------