THE GLOW WORM SURVEY FORM ------------------------- Your name Your address County Name of site Ordnance Survey Grid Reference (two letters and six numbers) For new sites, please draw a sketch map overleaf showing the location of the site in relation to roads, railways and other nearby landmarks, and show the area which you have searched (either the boundary of the area or the path which you walked). Please also mark the approximate position of the glow worms and give an idea of the scale. Details of visits ----------------- Number of Visit Date Time Conditions* Females Males Larvae (glowing) (on females) _____________________________________________________________________________ 1 _____________________________________________________________________________ 2 _____________________________________________________________________________ 3 _____________________________________________________________________________ 4 _____________________________________________________________________________ 5 _____________________________________________________________________________ 6 _____________________________________________________________________________ 7 _____________________________________________________________________________ 8 _____________________________________________________________________________ 9 _____________________________________________________________________________ (continue on a separate sheet if necessary) Type of site (please tick): Nature Reserve Garden Roadside Railway Waterside Sea cliff Quarry Grassland Other Position of glow worms (tick more than one if necessary): Short grass Long grass Under trees In hedge On path On gravel or stones Other Is there any permanent open water within 100 metres of the glow worms? No Stream or ditch Pond Lake River Canal Sea Are you aware of any chemicals used on the land? Definitely not Yes weedkillers Yes insecticides Yes slug pellets Dont know Is the area grazed? No Sheep Cattle Horses Rabbits Deer Is there a slope or open aspect to the site? No Yes N NE E SE S SW W NW Artificial lighting ? None Distant lights over 200 metres 50-200 metres Bright lights nearby House lights only Lights from passing traffic Any other comments about the site (eg early records of glow worms not previously reported, changes in use of the site either in the past or planned) Please return this form by mid September if possible to your area coordinator or to Robin Scagell, 1 Milverton Drive, Ickenham, Uxbridge, UB10 8PP. ___________________________________________________________________ *Choose from: Dry, Raining, Wet ground (ie droplets on vegetation), Windy. Also give night time temperature if you can. ___________________________________________________________________