Amuse-O-Matic 2000

If you've never heard the song "All Star," seen the movie "Mystery Men" or heard of the rock band "Smash Mouth," get outside for a change, computer-hugger! Start listening to radio instead of your modem frequency for once! Sorry folks, need to work on some personal issues here.

"Hey, me buddy!"
A power tool
Place where you keep tools
A word that describes the core of the earth
A very important body part
A not-so-important body part
A barnyard animal
A verb with -ing at the end
A painful way to land on a block of cement
The stupidest thing you've ever done
An internal organ
Body part that houses that organ
An adjective that describes moldy bread
An adjective that describes someone eating moldy bread
"You know what's dumber than paying your taxes in pennies? What's really dumb is ."
Something you do at a scary movie
"Oh yeah, well what's really painful was when I . Ouch, huh?"
A very nasty name you use in a fight with your archenemy
A piece of clothing
"Hey, you in the tiger outfit! Beat it! Yeah go on and !"
Something you turn on
Any meal of the day
A bone of the human body
Word that implies someone is less than intelligent
Word that implies someone could reassemble a space shuttle engine with a paper clip and an old toilet paper roll
Most important organ in the human body
Type of picture a camera can take
Something you can do with illegal drugs (not that I'd know what to do with drugs, sniff)
Something you use to inhale or inject drugs (not that I'm looking for ways to use drugs, man I'm hungry)
Something you get after graduating from college

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Tell Some Friends!
Last Updated: 06/01/00
Story & Questions by Danny Gallagher, someone with a goal in life and a legless soccer player.
WebMistress: Cathie Walker
© copyright 1995-2000 Centre for the Easily Amused