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Type in the information requested, then fire up the Amuse-O-Matic 2000 for your customized experiment in humorology!
First, pick a number:
Now, pick a measurement of time like day, minute, whatever:
"Because the prom queen was so drunk, she walked around the house
A human body part:
Another way to say the word "angry":
Any room in your house:
Something you would say to Ginger Spice's face:
Any part of your car either attached or unattached:
A real superhero, or make up your own that ends with the word "man":
Name your favorite cheese:
A musician you wish you could set on fire during one of his/her concerts:
A musician whose feet you could kiss :
Favourite radio DJ:
Write as much gibberish as you can, go ahead and just bang your hands on the keyboard. Releash your anger on those keys. Make them pay for their crimes by pounding out your frustration on them for all eternity!!!! Uh, just type a lot of gibberish please.
Ok, stop banging the keys now and type a word that ends with "o"
An adjective that ends with "y"
A human emotion, if you have any:
Something you do to express that emotion:
A verb in the past tense that refers to violence:
"You'd better put some ointment on that
. It looks infected."
Name a country:
Favorite race of people:
Favorite barnyard animal:
Favorite part of that animal:
Favorite TV Show:
Favorite character from that TV Show:
Name a celebrity who lacks brain power yet is extremely good looking:
Name a movie director:
Name something or someone you'd find in one of that director's most infamous films:
A one-syllable word that rhymes with "Cartoon":
Last modified: 06/01/00
Story & Questions by
Danny Gallagher
, who also writes the
Three-Pronged Poll
Cathie Walker
© copyright 1995-2000 Centre for the Easily Amused