Amuse-O-Matic 2000


Adapted for the Amuse-o-matic 2000 by Top Five Bob of the

The Official Brittany Spears Humor Page

Type in the information requested, then fire up the Amuse-O-Matic 2000 for your customized experiment in humorology!

1. Name a popular hobby.
2. An illness that little kids get.
3. Name a star athlete.
4. The building you're in right now.
5. Something your parents told you not to do in public.
6. Britney's breasts can best be described in one word as:
7. Name of your favorite TV Show.
8. A disgusting thing teenage boys do to make noise.
9. Someplace parents drive teenagers to. (Needs to start with "to the . . . ")
10. My favorite thing to do first thing in the morning is:
11. How you feel when you hear a Britney Spears song on the radio
12. Describe how it would feel to stick your hand in a bucket of worms.
13. Finish the sentence: "If I'm not watching TV, I'm: "
14. A sport nobody watches.
15. One way to cook meat.
16. The worst city you can think of.
17. TV newsperson you don't like.

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Tell Some Friends!
Last Updated: 06/01/00
Story & Questions by Bob Andorfer
WebMistress: Cathie Walker
© copyright 1995-2000 Centre for the Easily Amused