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Up to the minute information, live reports, in-depth reporting and a really cute guy with over moussed hair. It's the news, so what news to you?
Choose three numbers between one and twelve
A city in your country
Type of vehicle or mode of transportation
A fairly large animal
A year that had its own war
Brand or type of car like Ferrari or Pinto
Place that houses a lot of animals
Something that makes you vomit
A charitable organization
Total price for a box of Rice Krispies cereal, a pair of pantyhose and a blonde wig (what you do with them is your business)
Something the government pays for so you don't have to
A supermodel
An evil country
Make up a ridiculous sounding name
"Now son, you listen to me. The next time you're playing at school and that bully calls you a little, stupid shrimp, you just stand up and call him a
. And if that doesn't work, just roll up your sleeves and
. Now go play nice."
Two ways to protect yourself from being robbed
A very famous and rich person and what that person does for a living
"My daddy says since mommy divorced him, he's been
An increment of time (like second, minute, leap year, etc.)
A relative of your family
An adjective
A word that describes toxic waste
Method or way to gamble on a football game
A professional sports team and the sport that the team plays
"Monica Lewinsky is the biggest moron of
Something you spread on toast
Last Updated:06/01/00
Story & Questions by
Danny Gallagher
, and that's the way it is, so get over it
WebMistress In the Field:
Cathie Walker
© copyright 1995-2000 Centre for the Easily Amused