Fill in the blank: "I personally believe that the newest pop teen sensation Britney Spears is anything but ."
Fill in the blank (yes, AGAIN): "Man is that new TV show great or what! Oh you don't think so? Well, I don't care what you say because I think it's , so nyaaaaaa."
Something that everyone thinks Britney Spears is even though she really isn't
Something you have that no one can take away from you
"That song, I can't take it! I'm starting to lose the little that I have left!"
Finish the answer to this question: What do you think of Britney Spears as a musician? I think she's .
Don't hold anything back, tell us what you think Britney Spears really is?
A nasty place where no one wants to go
"Hey, you've heard of that Britney Spears? Yeah, I don't think she's really not that either."
A TV show that showcases music videos
Something musicians get when they sell a hit song
A magazine that reviews music albums
Complete the following sentence: "That song was so bad, the radio station dropped it off of the air ."
Last Updated: 06/07/00 Story & Questions by Danny Gallagher who will have to put in a restraining order against Britney Spears after she reads this AOM WebMistress: Cathie Walker © copyright 1995- 2000- Centre for the Easily Amused