1. Name something you do on a date. 2. A part of your face. 3. Something you hate doing. 4. A politician might do this. 5. A mythical figure you believed in as a kid 6. Describe how a really good hamburger tastes. 7. One of the things a flight attendant tells you before you take off. 8. A subject they teach in high school. 9. You can do this at a park. 10. Something you insist on doing alone. 11. A common thing people are afraid of. 12. Something the kids on "South Park" might do. 13. How often should you brush your teeth? 14. A childhood disease. 15. Another term for a nerd. 16. Your Grandmother liked to do this for you. 17. Something you≡d like to do on vacation. 18. Name a movie villain. 19. Saturday morning cartoon character. 20. One word to describe how you would feel to have to repeat the first grade. 21. Guys think doing this will impress women. 22. Someone from the Bible
Last Updated: 06/01/00 By Top Five Bob WebMistress: Cathie Walker © copyright 1995-2000 Centre for the Easily Amused