Amuse-O-Matic 2000

They've broken new ground for country music. They've sold millions of records nationwide. They've been nominated for a number of Grammy and Country Music Awards. And they don't have a lost brother named Chris Gaines.

A useless piece of information
The most embarrassing thing you could do in public
Something you hit or beat
Something people lose easily
Fill in the blank: "I want my own ."
A state or country
A dessert found at an all-you-can-eat-until-your-stomach-explodes buffet
Something people do when they eat too much food
Something you can find only in your dreams ."
"Doctor, please help me. It's these gnomes that are stuck . They keep dancing and screaming and singing 'MMMBop' and it's giving me a fever."
"Well I can give you this topical cream to make those gnomes . But maybe you should try on this straight jacket first."
A mythical figure (like an elf, a fairy or an underweight plumber)
A human body part
Something the enemy does to prisoners of war to make them talk (Talk! Damn you, talk you Yankee communist Charlie!)
Word describing a member of an insane asylum
Something crazy people do with their spare time
Something babies must learn how to do quickly
A name for really really really crazy people (other than Don King! Oh thank you folks! Tip your waitresses and be good to yourselves!)
Your favorite saying or quote from a movie or TV show
Something you say when you flush a dead goldfish down the toilet
"Jake! If I told you once, I've told you a thousand times, don't stand there and ."

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Last Updated: 06/01/00
Story & Questions by Danny Gallagher, who doesn't know enough about country music to write something funny here
WebMommie: Cathie Walker
© copyright 1995-2000 Centre for the Easily Amused