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Yeah! Swing it baby! No, no, I didn't mean swing "that."
Your full name
Nickname for a baby
A form of weather
Something you do to keep safe during dangerous weather
A word that rhymes with "jump"
A word that rhymes with "jive"
A word that rhymes with "wail"
Any female relative of a family
Any male relative of a family
Household appliance that could crush a small Richard Simmons
An article of clothing
Any room in your house
A barnyard animal with a negative image
Something that is alive or grows over time
Two celebrities that use one word as their name
Something either of these celebrities can't do well even though that's what they do for a living
"Hmm, let's see...eggs, bread, milk, Iraqi nuclear war head,
, brillo pads....wait a minute..."
Last Updated: 06/01/00
Story & Questions by
Danny Gallagher
, who also writes the
Three-Pronged Poll
Cathie Walker
© copyright 1995-2000 Centre for the Easily Amused