To be entered to win a copy of Fools Tools, the ultimate
CD of computer pranks, go here.
To be entered to win an adorable stuffed seal, go
here. You won't be able to resist those eyes!
To be entered to win a copy of the fun-filled book
A Treasury of Pet Humor, go here. I've got
a copy, and it's a hilarious book that I couldn't put down!
To be entered to win an ALICE CD-ROM to create your
own chat robot and never be alone again, go here.
This is an awesome program that you can play with offline -- it's amazing!
To be entered to win a set of Simpsons Pez dispensers
from Archie McPhee, go here. You gotta love Pez!
To be entered to win a free video (including South
Park, Austin Powers & more!) of your choice, go here.
Just fill in our survey to
be entered to win an "I'm Easily Amused" t-shirt from Mackey
Special Tees.
No luck? You can always order a t-shirt or mouse pad from
our Coolwear page!
Bribes of chocolate, sparkly jewelry, and Pez to the
Webmistress are welcome and encouraged.
Tell your friends about these great contests,
then if they win maybe they'll give you a present!