General Info: T-Bone's Stress Relief Aquarium 6.66 was --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- designed for's Halloween Special 1999. Stress --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Relief Aquarium 2.1 was met with much enthusiasm and --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- praise. Apparently people enjoy scapegoating their --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- aggressive emotions through a helpless cartoon fish. With --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- the exception of a few whiny jerks who thought they were --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- some sort of animal rights advocates, everybody loved it. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Any semi intelligent, rational person knows that torture is --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- a very bad thing unless it happens to a cartoon fish. Right? --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Good. As long as that's clear. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- I should hope that you enjoy this new addition to the fish --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- series and i hope you support the fish in all it's --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- endeavours... After all, the fish is here to support you. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Glad you could make it. -t