Revealed! - Were hot dogs ever made of dogs? How do astronauts
use the bathroom in space? What's so French about French fries? For
the answer to these and other questions, subscribe! 
Blue Moon News - Astrology,
weird science, prophecies and prophets!
The Voodoo Donkey - Get quality jokes and hysterical true life stories mailed to you pretty much daily.

Celebrity Hack - The weekly email newsletter that keeps you informed about the vain, inane and plain idiotic behavior of the rich and famous every Sunday evening, so you can start off your dreary Monday morning feeling a bit better about your obscurity. Hey, it's really not so bad being one of "the rest of us!" 
I'm Not Martha - Ever dream of entertaining & decorating like Martha Stewart ... only to come to the realization - I'm Not Martha! With this fun, entertaining & informative newsletter you'll learn quick & easy tips you can use to make your house a home.

- Besides making you wealthy and popular beyond mortal measure, the
weekly newsletter (penned by Yahoo Internet Life's Surf Guru during
Happy Hour on Fridays)is the perfect time-wasting, work-avoiding,
hypo-allergenic filler for any Web site, newspaper or house lacking
asbestos insulation, with more great lines than a Hollywood coke dealer.
- Want a Sony laptop? You could win one from Uproar just for receiving
FREE information and offers about topics that interest you! It's easy.
Just click on the link and pick your favorite topics: free stuff,
music, movies, computer games, weight loss, travel - hey, with over
60 to choose from, you're sure to find something! You'll get e-mail
info that you WANT to receive AND you'll be entered to win the Sony
Trashy Tabloids - Heard any gossip? With Trashy Tabloids YOU WILL! Get the scoop and hear about your favorite stars in their not-so-best-moments.

Forgotten History - Did you ever think, "How did that happen?" or "Who started saying that?" Forgotten History gives you the fascinating forgotten stories behind the facts, phrases and events that have mysteriously become part of our language and culture. 

Contests & Games - The best free contests and games to be found on the Internet. Win cash, cars, and more! You can't win if you don't play. Subscribe today - win tomorrow!

Looking Good - Quick & easy beauty tips that anyone can make use of. From hair, make-up, fashion and more you can have some fun and look your best! 

ABC Soap Update - All My Children, One Life To Live, General Hospital and Port Charles.

CBS Soap Update - Young & Restless, Bold & The Beautiful, Guiding Light & As The World Turns 

NBC Soap Update - Days of Our Lives & Passions
Cat Nip - Look what the cat dragged in! Just for you feline fans we've got engaging stories, information, and facts about the world's most popular pet. Special feature: tips from vets on how to make the most of the lives your cat has left!

Bass Matters -There's nothing like the thrill of striking on a receptive school of bass, stripers or walleye. Take it from Bass-Master Brock, a veteran fresh water angler. Twice a week he'll fill your net with tips, advice & stories on the most exciting sport on the water.
Cosmic Quips - These Tarot Teasers are
psychic forecasts - sincere, but just a little bit silly! It's inspirational
and fun to read your Cosmic forecasts, to see what the day has in
store for you! Intended to brighten your day, so look for the hidden
meanings - and have fun!!!

Angel Voice - These loving and inspirational
Angel Messages are accessed from the angelic realms and provide guidance
for you and your sun sign element in your daily life. These special
gems of wisdom are intended to be used creatively for enlightenment
and upliftment.

Sybil Sez- Sybil will have you laughing,
thinking and guessing as she...and her many personalities offer up
advice, opinions and more. Subscribe now & see what Sybil Sez! 

Top Ten - What's at the top of the charts
for music, movies and more? Find out every Friday.

Actual Facts - Amaze your friends,
annoy your colleagues.
Amused News - Our own newsletter featuring
puzzles, trivia, jokes & more.
Ask Dr. Science - Have the Daily Question
sent to you by email. Hilarious fun!
At Home in School - Homeschool resources
and help.
BargainDog - Reporting
the best sales from leading online merchants on everything from software
to apparel.
Bible Verse of the Day - An uplifting verse
every day.
Bible Knowledge - Bible Trivia
Bizarre News - Weird, Strange & True Stories
Bob - Bongo Bob is the original digital Medicine-Man who continues
to pass his zany, but often wise, pearls of wisdom on to computer
users around the world.
Budget Tips - Make ends meet and still enjoy
By the Numbers - What's in store for you
today? The universal energies predict the nature, direction, and course
of events for the day.
Chocolate-Covered Musings Newletter - Chocolate-Covered
Musings hand delivered right to you!
Clean Laffs - Get your giggles and chuckles
without all the R Rated humor. Try out some wit, sarcasm and good
clean fun you don't have to feel guilty about.
CoffeeBreak from
- G-rated jokes, links, quotes, trivia and more every day - always
clean and tasteful, and FUNNY!
Cool Fact of the Day - Get a free and supercool
fact daily from The Learning Kingdom.
Cool Tricks & Trinkets -Insights into cool,
useful, fun, offbeat, unusual and interesting sites on the Internet
(like this one, of course).
Cool Word of the Day - Educational fun
Coolsig - Weekly signature files for
your e-mail. Great fun!
Country Music News - A look at Country
music and the people making it today. 5 days a week. 
Creative Love - Ways to say "I Love You!"
Daily Health Tips - Make a difference in
the health you and your family enjoy.
Dead End - Being curious about death is
a natural part of living. Every week DEAD END will keep you informed
about the obituaries of notable people in the worlds of entertainment,
politics, science, sports and literature.
Dear Abby - America's #1 Advice Columnist.
Get Dear Abby emailed to you daily.
Doc's Box Office - See which movies vacuumed
up the most bucks with the weekly Top 10 Box Office Report from Dr.
Daniel's Movie Emergency
Dr. Laura - "Integrity is its own reward."
Dr. Laura's message cuts across the grain of today's political correctness,
and has struck a chord. Her weekly column reveals the strength of
her message and the passion of her beliefs.
Drivel - Free e-mail versions of Ben Baker's
award-winning column
Dry Quote of the Day - Start the day with
something you'll wish you'd said first.
Entertainment Today - Read about all the
news from Tinsletown to The Big Apple. It's your daily dose of gossip,
behind-the-scenes news and more. We've got the stories everyone wants
to read!
Film & TV Quotes - Have some fun with
the shows you love and the quotes you remember. Film & TV Quotes is
interactive too! You get to test your knowledge of films and TV shows....
"It's an offer you can't refuse!"
Foggy's Funnies - Home
of the Daily Giggle joke list.
Fooled You! - Urban Legends and Hoaxes Alerts!
Free Site of the Day - Coupons, email, postcards...
Free Stuff - The web is filled with freebies.
Every week let ShagMail alert you to the best free stuff available
- Subscribe to this free daily joke service & find out why everyday
is the dawn of a new error., making the world a better
place one smile at a time.
Funtrivia - The Archive of Fun Facts
and Trivia -- because if it's not trivial, it's not worth knowing.
Garden Guides - GardenGuides Newsletter
features weekly articles by top garden writers as well as timely tips
and advice, book reviews and more. Come garden with us! 
Gibbleguts - Get
the daily cartoon free in your e-mail.
Gizmorama - Want to know about the latest
gadgets and gizmos? Then this is for you! From software to products
and high tech gear.
GodLaughsDotNet - "Blessed
are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to
be amused."
Golf Tip of the Day - Tips on how to improve
your game and lower your score.
Great Music: Inkblot Magazine - News, views
and reviews.
Health Tips - Learn the latest news that
can help you to live a happy and healthy life. Delivered 5 days a
week this FREE newsletter is a must for anyone striving to improve
the quality of their life. 
Herbal Insights - Fun, practical health
tips and great free offers.
Heroic Stories - A new mailing list
featuring real-life heroes.
Holistic Health Pearls - Health tips for
the whole person.
Humor Cartoon of the Day - Gee, I wonder
what this could be?
Inspiring Quote of the Day - A great way
to start your day.
Investor's Notebook - Here's a digest
of investment opinion from the world's leading financial advisers.
Great for the busy investor who just wants the highlights of the week.

Joe Lavin's Humor Column - One
of Cathie's favourite humour columns.
Joke a Day -
The world's largest daily humour mailing list.
Jokes 'n Stuff -A joke list,
a clean humor digest and a prose/poems list. - Get a funny joke
delivered every day! Browse or search our extensive joke archive for
laughs, humor, chuckles, jokes, and more! Chat with others who love
a good joke, and share your jokes with others on-line.
Jokes EveryDay - Free clean daily
e-mail joke list for the whole family.
Jokes in the Mail - Join
a new e-mail joke list in which the subscribers are the contributors. - Home of
Klean Jokes mailing list.
Laff A Day - The funniest jokes in the
world. (Warning: Adult Humor)
Left Gear - Get the inside scoop on Left
Coast fashion and trends.
Living Today - What are the issues and
topics that affect your daily life? Living Today covers health, education,
technology and current events that you need to be informed about.
Each issue features short bites of information that's easy to read
and important to your life.
Lockergnome - The world's
most popular Windows e-mail newsletter.
Mook's Personals - Many have met their
mate on the internet while others have cautionary stories. Join Mook
as he shares REAL, personal stories of people in search of the right
mate. Heck you may have even have a story of your own to share!
Mrs. Alphabet - With the Mrs. Alphabet
FREE newsletter your child or class will have fun while learning about
everything from A to Z. Covering Phonics and Reading to Math and Writing,
this newsletter is for you and your child or class to share and will
help your children grow academically during their formative years.
Music History and Trivia - Have some fun
and test your music trivia knowledge.
NASCAR News - 3 times a week
NFL News - Get off the sidelines and into
the game with NFL News.
On The Net - Nobody covers the Internet
news and happenings like On The Net! Subscribe Now to keep up on this
ever-changing, fast-moving medium.
On-line Tricks and Trinkets - Find out about
cool stuff all over the net.
Organized Way - Get your house & life in
People - Want the latest scoop on the
people who influence, inspire, and entertain us? It's the gossip and
news you love!
Person of the Day - Educational fun
Pet Connection - Award-winning journalist,
Gina Spadafori provides pet owners with the information they need
and the stories they love. 
Pet Peeves of the Day - This one's extremely
popular... Guess there's just a lot of peeve-causers out there. If
you like our Annoyances page, you'll
love it!
QuizQueen - The E-Zine where trivia
determines who is royalty and who is not!.
Quote A Day - If you like the sound of
a well-turned phrase or treasure historical moments, then Quote A
Day is for you. From Patton to Plato...words that inspire, provoke
and entertain.
Recipe of the Week - Mmmm! Good and good
fer ya!
Reminders from - New video,
book, and music releases, your weekly horoscope, how-to tips for your
home, yard and garden, service reminders and recall notices for your
auto, reminders of upcoming birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, financial
planning, investment advice, parenting and toy tips by child's age,
plus product recalls, and pet care, health and training tips for all
your pets
Riddle a Day - Receive free riddles,
logic puzzles and humor by email twice a week. No cost or gimmicks!
Just challenges, chuckles and entertainment.
Rock 'n Roll News - Plug in to Rock 'n
Roll and keep up with your favorite bands, events and other stuff.
If you love Rock 'n Roll, JOIN NOW!'s Booster Pack - An invaluable
resource for anyone building a web site.
Tarotscope - Using the ancient method
of psychic prediction Tarotscope uses your sun sign element to access
the mysteries of the universal forces according to the zodiac. See
what's in the future for you.
The Cabot Market Letter (free trial) - Stock
market tips
The Daily Bargain - A daily update of shopping
sales and special offers on the Internet
The Trekker Newsletter
- News monthly.
The Coffee Break - Offbeat & Amusing Stories
The Daily Groaner - A flash of comedy
you're gonna hate yourself for loving. We'll send you one joke a day
that's guaranteed to roll your eyes! PG13 to R Rated Humor. 
The Daily Monologue - Jim Rosenberg's Leno/Letterman-style
comedy monologue.
The Daily Recipe - Great Tasting &
Easy Recipes.
The Daily Tease - Exercise your mind with
The Daily Tease, a FREE newsletter that tests your brainpower. You'll
get brain teasers that are fun and thought provoking. Have some fun!
Humor Daily - The web's newest and neatest email daily joke list!
The Mountain Mailer - TZM is for the mountain
sports enthusiast who likes to climb, mountain bike, or hike -- and
of course they cover snow sports and that whole X Game thang.
The Nutty Net Tutor - Truly one of the
more unique newsletters on the net, The Nutty Net Tutor gives you
great web site tips, surfing tips, resources and more... all with
a sense of humor. 
The Weekly Escape -
Fun and enjoyment for you, your family, friends, and co-workers
This is True - Randy Cassingham's look at
bizarre-but-true news never fails to amuse. Highly recommended!
Tim Faith's
Weirdness Web - When the going gets weird, the weird start quirky
weekly e-mail newsletters with reviews of weird and humorous websites.
Time Capsules - Significant Events on
This Day in History
Today's Almanac - The Almanac has always
been used to forecast and reflect. Now you can have this information
delivered daily. Includes a thought for the day.
Today's Consumer - Keep up-to-date with
the latest recalls, tips and other important news. 
Today's Golf - Get the best golf news
and take strokes off your score card with these tips and more. The
best Golfing newsletter on the net!
Today in History - Seems like every day,
something is happening somewhere.
Truth or Tabloid? - You decide... is
it Truth... or Tabloid? Nigel Puddingporne¿, a legendary supermarket
tabloid reporter, presents a smorgasbord of nuggets he's unearthed
just for you. Are Nigel's wild, tabloid-style headlines true? Or a
product of his fevered, Guinness-enhanced imagination? 
Trivia Galore - Daily trivia, choose beginner
or advanced!
Trivia Time - Improve your knowledge...
amaze your friends... impress the in-laws! With Trivia Time you get
little-known facts emailed to you daily. 
U.S.Travel Deals - Get away from it all
for the best possible price!
Up Yours! - Subscribe to be insulted weekly
(Warning: highly offensive!) Must be 18 years or older to subscribe.
Vertical Playground - Rock Climbing News
& Info
Weekly Horoscopes - Hey baby, what's your
Weird News of the Day - Truth is stranger
than fiction!
William F. Buckley: On The Right - Conservative
columnist and publisher of The National Review comes to you twice
a week, via email.
Witworld! - Hilarious news commentary/mocking
WNT Wrestling News Today - Behind-the-scenes
stories, gossip, rankings, tv listings and more
Word A Day - Have some fun and improve
your vocabulary at the same time! There are many Word A Days out there
but only brings you the BEST one of them all. Games and
fun in every issue!
Your Daily Horoscope - Guidance from the