╖ My parents taught me that if I work hard enough, I can make my dreams
come true, even the one where I'm driving down the freeway and I look
around and notice that all of the other cars are being driven by dogs with
hats on.
An average American has a vocabulary of 10,000 words; but I have 10,002,
because I just made up "pfitz-kokkie" and "sheents."
The hills of Austria were alive with the sound of music, and boy, my gut was alive with the sound of digesting Vienna sausages
I must have stood alone on Pennsylvania Avenue holding that sign for at
least three hours before some kind passer-by informed me that the "Million
Moron March on Washington" was the previous Friday. Boy, did I feel stupid.
When I'm going out with someone for the first time, I always ask right up front: "If we spend some intimate moments together later, which would disturb you more: If I suddenly broke out in show tunes or if I suddenly broke out in a rash?" That usually puts her right at ease.
Fred Spiegel. I remembered his name, because when I met him at the party I used his name three times in the conversation; I read somewhere that if you do that, it imprints the new name on your long-term memory. And Fred remembered that I'm someone not to be trifled with, because I beat him senseless with the trifle bowl.
Sometimes I have a difficult time handling myself in social situations.
I just start scampering around neurotically, frantically jumping all over
the guests. I think all goes back to when I was raised in the wild by
miniature schnauzers
Who can forget the delightful tale we all heard as youngsters, the one that goes: "Run, run, as fast as you can, you can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread Man! And if you trail me at my feet, I'll gun you down like a dog in the street!"
I believe that it was Neitsche who said: "That which does not kill us gives us an abominable case of diarrhea."
Well, it's pretty discouraging that the world is going to hell in a hand-basket, but if the hand-basket is being carried by a little girl with
a pink ribbon in her curly blonde hair, then that's cute.