Episode #12: "The Seance"
In the months that followed, O'Brien publicly apologized to Francesca for trying to smear her reputation. He printed nothing but praise for her and the C*E*A in the Daily Dirt, showered her with gifts, and tearfully begged her forgiveness. He would not stop until she was convinced he was truly a new man.
Francesca offered a job to Paulette on the condition that she agreed to an annulment to her marriage to Wally, who was devastated when he learned that his bride was a transvestite.
Paulette was sent to take expensive computer training classes to get her up to speed, much to the distress of Jo, who despised her. Not only had Paulette stolen Wally away from her, but he was now incapable of lovemaking due to the trauma of the night he tried to consummate his marriage.
Sneena met a new boyfriend in the chat room, who refused to reveal his true identity.
And then one day everyone at the C*E*A received an invitation in the mail...
Richard O'Brien was throwing a party in honor of Francesca's birthday at the mysterious and presumably haunted Winchester Mystery House in San Jose. It would be a Seance Party, with world renowned medium Count Floyd in charge of the seance.
Most of Francesca's employees and many of O'Brien's attended, all dressed in formal attire for the occasion. Keeping out of sight of anyone who would recognize her was Amelia, the woman who was hired to seduce Erich in Las Vegas. With her was Robin, another high-priced call girl from Las Vegas. The women were there on a secret mission from O'Brien.
After a tour of the mansion, followed by dinner, the guests crowded into a darkened room together. In the room was a round table, with a large crystal ball in the middle on an antique brass stand. Thirteen selected guests seated at the table included Count Floyd, Francesca, O'Brien, Steve, Erich, Cathie, Antonio, Sneena, Wally, Taylor, Elbogz, Jo, and BikerBob. Count Floyd began the proceedings.
"Will everyone seated at the table please join hands?" said the Count in his smooth, deep voice.
The candles and oil lamps lighting the room were extinguished, but the room was lit from the ethereal glow emanating from the crystal ball. Almost immediately a distinct feeling of oppression descended upon the people in the room. The Count, who later told the others that he had never been controlled so quickly or completely by a spirit before, began speaking in an eerie, backward-echoing voice, clearly not his own...
"This night at least one person in this room will be murdered. Nothing can be done to prevent it. You people consider yourselves clever to come here to amuse yourselves. Did you consider that it may amuse the spirits here to have you join us ... permanently? No one may leave this house until dawn. If the Count attempts to contact us again, he dies." With a sinister cackling laugh, the spirit left the room and the Count returned to himself with his own voice.
"Someone open the door to the outside ... hurry!" said the Count.
But it was locked. All attempts to escape the house failed. Windows wouldn't break. Doors to the outside wouldn't budge. Everyone was getting scared out of their wits, except for Steve, who was loving every minute of it.
"Oh, God, this is a nightmare come true!!" Steve exclaimed excitedly.
Don't miss the next exciting episode!