Episode #29: "The Conclusion of Cathablanca, Part 1"
Count Floyd's eyes opened from his deep sleep to find something cold and metallic rubbing against his nose. It was a few seconds before he realized what was happening. He was in his darkened bedroom, in bed, and a gun was being pointed at his face.
"Wake up, Count," said the voice of the man holding the gun. "I want some answers and you will give them to me."
The Count answered calmly, "Fine. I'll try to help as much as possible. Relax. Take it easy. May I turn on the light?"
The man holding the gun backed away and answered, "Yes." The Count slowly threw back the covers and moved to a sitting position on the side of the bed. He reached over and turned on the bedside table lamp. It took a few seconds for his eyes to adjust to the light and to focus on the visitor. It was Steve Callaway, dressed in his usual leather gear. Steve spoke.
"The C*E*A building was broken into the night before last. I know it was O'Brien. I also know O'Brien was responsible for all those murders at the Winchester House. What I don't know is how you knew that night that there were going to be murders before they happened. Were you working for O'Brien?"
"No. I was hired merely to conduct a seance; just as I testified at the trial."
"Then how did you know about the murders?"
"There really is spirit life there in that house. Sometimes spirits have special foreknowledge about events. That is the truth. Why don't you put that gun away? I won't call the police. I know that this all has been very traumatic for you. This whole case has been troubling me as well. I've felt I may be able to find more evidence against O'Brien by going back to the House and contacting the spirit there again."
Steve put away his gun and felt a rush of excitement. "NOW YOU'RE TALKING!!" exclaimed Steve excitedly.
"We'll have to do it alone, though," said the Count. "Just you and me. I believe I can contact the spirit again and find out how to get O'Brien back in jail where he belongs. Will you do it?"
"Are you KIDDING? That's EXACTLY what I wanted you to say!" said Steve.
"Very well! We'll do it tonight," said the Count. Unseen, across the street watching the house silently from inside his car through a pair of binoculars, was Richard O'Brien.
Meanwhile, at C*E*A headquarters, the staff were getting the offices cleaned up when Jo walked to the middle of the room and made an announcement.
"May I have everybody's attention please? I have an announcement to make!" she sang out.
Everyone stopped what they were doing and went over to hear what Jo had to say. Then Paul, dressed in men's clothing, walked up and stood beside her.
"Paul and I are engaged! We're going to be married in Las Vegas this weekend!"
Everyone cheered and applauded, and the women all crowded around Jo as she displayed the beautiful engagement ring on her left hand. Paul beamed; and despite a struggle not get over-emotional, began crying with joy.
"This is the happiest moment of my life!" he kept saying over and over.
Don't miss the next episode in the exciting conclusion of Cathablanca!