Building Bridges Between Continents:
Managing the Complex Process of Diversity is the theme for the SIETAR
(The International Society For Intercultural Education, Training and Research)
Congress '97 from June 2-7 in CuraVao, Netherlands Antilles, an island in the
Caribbean Sea off the northern coast of Venezuela, South America. Within the
Congress there will be several small round table conferences focusing in how to
start projects to build bridges from CuraVao to the rest of the world. Among
tracks during the congress are: Communications and Business; Education and
Economics, Healthcare and Culture. For all tracks theory, research and practice
will be covered.
If you are interested, please contact:
In CuraVao: Niviëla Sambo, phone: +599 9614288; fax: +599 9613626
The Netherlands: Duschka de Brouwer, phone: +31 15 2158282; fax: +31 15