Micscape - Main Articles Library
both current and past articles from Micscape Magazine,
the monthly magazine of Microscopy-UK
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visit the current Micscape Magazine Index
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The Micscape
Editor can be contacted via the link in each article to the
current Magazine Index.
select an article or articles on a topic of interest, choose the
option you prefer:
- Scroll down to
see a list of all articles in the Library
- Select a
category of interest from the menu bar below. For
example, if you are a newcomer to microscopy, select
Or try our new Search Engine
compiled by Anne Bruce. Click on the
button if you would like to search for a particular topic
using keywords:
- Articles for the Novice How To:-
- Draw
through the Microscope No Camera needed! Feb 96. a
- Start
Out Where to get help Mar.96 a
- Understand
Measurements and Scale in Microscopy Mar.96 a
- Pond-dipping
Apr.96 a
- Amateur
Practical Microscopy Apr.96 a
- Microscopy
tip - glycerine jelly mounts Apr 96 a
- Mini
- beasts and microscopic plants in a garden pond May.96
- Using
your Camcorder as a Microscope Jun.96 a
- Technicolour
nature - using polarised light Jun.96 a
- Technicolour
nature - crystals under polarised light Jul.96 a
- Video
microscopy - getting started in black and white Jun.96
- 8X
Everything buying and using a hand lens, and use with
your video camera! Jul. 96 a
- 8X
More further studies with a hand lens Aug.96 a
- Samworth's
Snippets History, size, algae and ink! Sep.96 a
- Refractive
Index A note for the beginner. Jan. 97
- Home in close-up TV
/ PC screen, hi-fi. Nov.96
- Home in close-up
Quartz watch, electronic components, CCD chip, LCD
screen. Jan.97
- Samworth's
Snippets Sperm shapes, snowflakes Feb.97
- Guidelines on buying a
microscope Feb.97
- Photomicrography
A few simple set-ups for beginners Mar.97
- Microscopic
feeders Or why you should preserve
your pond sample quickly! Mar.97
- Microscopic Life A few
tips for your viewing pleasure Mar.97
- Home in
close-up Fabrics, onion skin
and human skin Mar.97
- Slide Mounting Made Easy - Loctite Using a glass bond glue to make permanent
mounts May.97
- Home in
close-up Coins, mouldy oranges,
woodlouse, fairy flies - the world's tiniest insect?
- A salty snippet The
effect of salt on onion cells, an easy 'on the
microslide' experiment May.97
- Slides for use with crossed polars
Slides you can buy from us Jul.97
- Very
basic photomicrography - you don't need expensive
'kit' to have a go Oct.97
- Beginners
tips on collecting and studying protozoa - with links
to Micscape articles describing common types Oct.97
- Three-dimensional
photography through the Microscope - simple
techniques described Oct.97
- Making
dark-field illumination is easy - an introduction to
this versatile and beautiful illumination technique
- Samworth's
Snippets - further experiments with cross polars
- Home-made
hand microtomes - two practical approaches Dec.97
- 'The smallest page on the web' - a stunning suite of pages illustrating some
common microscopic aquatic organisms. Sep.98
- Topical
tips 2 - second in an
occasional series providing a selection of tips on
amateur microscopy. Why not send us your practical tips?
- Permanent
slides: pros and cons - a
practical look at the problems and pleasures of making
slides, with suggestions and tips for mounting. Mar.99
- Introduction
to the optical microscope -
- Photomicrography
on a shoestring budget - Apr.99
- Enjoying
Spring in close-up - The plants and flowers we often take for
granted take on a whole new perspective if they are
studied more closely. Apr.99
- Introduction to microscopy - an exciting new suite of pages for the
beginner with introductory illustrated articles. Includes
links to other Micscape articles. Sep.99
- Getting started in microscopy - a down to earth look at the
basic features of a good microscope, simple lighting and
introductory booklets. Oct.99
- Let
there be light - a look at the main microscopy
lighting techniques and how to achieve them with simple
equipment. A guide for beginners in Larry Legg's unique
down to earth style. Nov.99
Go back to top of page
- Biology
- Nature
walks throughout the year Monthly explorations of the
world in close-up Nov.95 - Oct. 96
- Blood
and Blood diseases. Part 1 of mini-series Nov.95 a
- Stomata
- how plants 'breathe' Jun.96 a
- Worm
dissection May.96 a
- Plant
adaptations How do plants adapt to dry or wet
habitats Aug.96 a
- Seasonal
Berries A close-up look, plus their folklore. Dec. 96
- Samworth's
Snippets Swan mussel larva Mar.97
- Photomicrograph
of a swan mussel larvae Update on previous article
- Mammalian
hair Looking at hair damage under the microscope
- Comparison
of leaf epidermis in different species A new use for
nail varnish Jul.97
- The
Cell from Hell Pfiesteria piscicida Aug.97
- Marine
diatoms - 'glass jewels' of the sea Sep.97
- 'Those
who live in glass houses' - a gentle introduction to
diatoms, illustrated by superb line drawings Oct.97
- Fern flora on a garden wall
- look for ferns in your garden Oct.97
- Image
of the Month - marine diatom photo' gallery Oct.97
- The
garden spider - why it doesn't get stuck in its own
web Nov.97
- The
leaping dancer - the jumping spider Nov.97
- The
mysterious 'carpenter's rule' diatom - the intriguing
movements of a colonial diatom of the genus Bacillaria
- Image
of the Month: Unidentified objects adhering to hairs on a
fly leg - can you identify these tiny objects. This
is a genuine query and not a quiz! Jan.98
- What
were those minute mystery objects on a fly's leg shown in
Jan. 98 Image of the Month (above)? - brochosomes,
but the probable answer is even more mysterious! Feb.98
- Brochosomes - tiny objects excreted by
leafhoppers. A challenge for the amateur?
- a summary of responses to our January 'Image of the
Month' enquiry Mar.98
- A
look at an old slide - the intricate sculptured
skeletons of Radiolaria Jan.98
- Growth
of a starfish - the fascinating stages in the
development of an Echinoderm Feb.98
- Image
of the month- Garden Spider jaws between crossed
polars Feb.98
- How fast is an amoeba?
- a summary of an interesting chat prompted by an email
query Mar.98
- Classification of living things - an illustrated overview May.98
- Comb jellies -
beautiful marine organisms May.98
- Foraminifera -
beautiful micro-fossils in chalk Jul.98
- Mosses and liverworts
- 'simple' plants ideal for the microscope Jul.98
- Stilt walker - the
remarkable harvestman or daddy-long-legs Jul.98
- UFO: unidentified floating object - can you identify this marine plankton? Jul.98
- Aug. 98 Image of the Month - an SEM image showing the remarkable surface
detail preserved in a very old leaf, check it out to see
how old! Aug.98
- Sea squirts - our distant cousins - a beautifully illustrated article on these
intriguing marine organisms. With the UFO (unidentified floating object) from last
month identified. Aug.98
- Finding the recent chalk makers - going on a sea-side holiday? Here's a guide to where to hunt for beautiful
microscopic subjects on a beach, and the sort of
coastline to look for. Aug.98
- Foraminifera sand - an
introduction to 'forams', with a look at a world famous
sand from 'Dog's Bay', Ireland. Aug.98
- Sponge spicules - are
attractive, delicate siliceous objects. Illustrated with
images of painstakingly arranged microslides. Aug.98
- Marine debris from the Mediterranean Sea - having a late summer holiday in the 'Med'?
Take a closer look at the beach! Sep.98
- The Rusty-backed fern
- as autumn approaches, ferns are fascinating plants to
study. Sep.98
- A closer look at mushrooms - a seasonal look with plenty of interest on
the macroscopic and microscopic scale. Oct.98
- Big spiders - a fascinating article on the tarantula and
other big spiders, including their biology and
associations with man. Oct.98
- Tunicates
with salad on the side - a
fascinating article on the tunicates or sea squirts.
- Collecting
and mounting foraminifera - continuing our series, a detailed look at how
to collect and prepare slides of these beautiful
organisms. Nov.98
- The
spider's web part I - a look at the spider's web and the remarkable
properties of spider's silk. Nov.98
- Xenophyophores,
the giants of the protozoan world - the single celled
creatures 10cm (yes cm!) across, which roam the ocean
depths. Nov.98
- Spider's
web part II - a look at the spider's web, the remarkable
properties of spider's silk and man's use of the web
silk. Dec.98
- Moulds - a fascinating look at
the common moulds like Penicillium found in the home.
- Micscape
image gallery - a colourful image of the palate of Haliotis, a
type of mollusc. Dec.98
- Forams as
indicators - the beautiful foraminifera are useful
indicators eg. for monitoring pollution. Jan.99
- Barnacles - the larval stages are very attractive and
fascinating to study. Jan.99
- Moulds - are
often found on decaying fruit etc. in the kitchen and
worth studying. Jan.99
- Image of
the month
- fascinating SEM photo's
of parts of plants, courtesy of the Royal Botanic Garden
Edinburgh. Jan.99
- Literary
aspects of the foraminifera for the amateur microscopist - a brief history of the study of these
attractive protozoa and selected literature resource.
Illustrated by wonderful arranged mounts of forams.
- Marine
diatoms from Ibicui beach Rio de Janeiro - the silica shelled
diatoms are beautiful algae. Feb.99
- Hungry
utrics - an intriguing look at
the bladderwort (Utricalia), a carnivorous freshwater
plant. Mar.99
- Bristle
worms and their larvae - a fascinating group of mainly marine organisms
but often overlooked. Mar.99
- Monocystis - an illustrated look at this parasite of the
earthworm, and how to prepare slides. Mar.99
- Polysiphonia,
a red algae - a very attractive
algae with a fascinating life cycle. Mar.99
- Making a
study of bat droppings - Apr.99
- Things
that don't belong where they are
- jellyfish, 'shrimps' and sponges only occur in the sea
- or do they? Apr.99
- The
Castle of Ambras and the smaller shells found in it's grounds.
- Radiolaria - the
shells are one of the most spectacular subjects for the
microscope. Jun.99
- Pollen Jul.99
- Diatoms on
strings -
an illustrated look at some of the
beautiful diatoms that adopt colonial string-like
formations. Aug.99
- Mitosis - an illustrated look at the stages of this
form of cell division which can easily be seen in
prepared sections eg. of plant roots. Aug.99
- Mounting
radiolaria - a look at how to
prepare permanent slides of these beautiful microscopic
silica shells. Aug.99
- 'Micro
flowers' -
the attractive tinier flowers growing wild or in the
garden are worth closer study. Aug.99
- The
'Rockers' and 'wallers' - a look at some of the attractive smaller
landshells that inhabit rocky habitats or live on walls.
- Sponge
city - a
look at the sponges and their fascinating structure.
Sponge spicules are a spectacular subject for the
microscope. Aug.99
- 'Micro flowers' - a new section on the
Microscopy UK site to encourage an interest in the
smaller flowers we often take for granted. Please send in
your images! Sep.99
- Poppies
- an attractive flower when viewed in close-up with
plenty of features of interest. Sep.99
- Freshwater shells - a look at some of the
attractive shells large and small that inhabit
freshwater. Sep.99
- How do non woody plants stay
upright? - look
at the cellular structures of a plant that provide the
support. Oct.99
- Gromia, Gromia wherefore art thou Gromia? - a look at one of the more
unusual marine protozoa that can often occur in fish
tanks. Oct.99
- Landshell image gallery - a further look at some
species of smaller shells. Oct.99
- Eyes - the microscopic structure of
eyes in different creatures. Dec.99
- Pollen tubes - this'll make your eyes water! - how to
germinate pollen grains on onion skin and study the tube
growth under the microscope. Dec.99
- Landshell
image gallery -
the final gallery in the series showing some of the
fascinating species of smaller shells that can be found.
- Palynology
- a microscopic view of the past - pollen, spores and plant fragments buried in
sediments can reveal an insight into the climate and
plant life millions of years ago. Dec.99
- The chaetognath, a strange creature - an illustrated look at an intriguing marine
planktonic organism. Jan.00
- What we can discover on a spider's leg - a photographic tour and
description of the many features on a spider's leg.
- Take a deep breath - a fascinating look at the different features
which animals from Amoeba to man use to respire. Jan.00
- Image Gallery: plant section in polarised light - Jan.00
- Image gallery: digital 'snapshots' of the fauna
and flora near my home - attractive macroscopic images of the wildlife
of Catalunya, Spain. Feb.00
- Diatoms in dark-field - the beautiful structures of
diatoms look particularly stunning in dark-field
illumination. Roland Mortimer, Brazil shows some
examples. Feb.00
- Water movement through a plant Mar.00
- Diatoms in dark-field, Part II Mar.00
- Foram gallery Mar.00
- Plant hairs Mar.00
- Discoveries
- New
Life Form: Symbion pandora Discovery of the
Year! Jan.96 a
- Bryozoa
A Mystery from the Antarctic - a floating Bryozoan new to
science! Mar.96 a
- Nanobes - are these the smallest
living organisms yet found? Apr.99
- Nanobes
- an update on these new life forms that challenge our
concept of how small living organisms can be. Dec.99
Go back to top of page
- Pond Life
- Paramecium.
- Two
Rare British desmids. Nov.95
- The
Stentor. Dec.95
- Some
Observations on Freshwater Algae Jan.96
- The
Good, the Bad and the Ugly Mar.96
- Podophrya
- an interesting ciliate Mar.96
- Cyclops
- the one-eyed pond organism Apr.96
- Observations
on the Desmidiaceae - desmids (beautiful algae)
- Desmids
(algae) under polarised light May.96
- Mini
- beasts and microscopic plants in a garden pond
May.96(Novice) a
- A
rare form of a beautiful desmid Jun.96
- Moller,
a Victorian arranger of diatom slides Jun.96
- What
are desmids? Aug.96
- Rotifers
and how to find them Aug.96
- Rare
desmids from Scotland Attractive algae Sep.96
- Images
of pond-life from video Oct.96
- Hydra
- Collecting
freshwater life Or how not to! Nov.96
- Freshwater
algae course A residential course. Nov.96
- Interesting
fauna from a garden pond Jan. 97
- Microscopic
feeders Or why you should preserve
your pond sample quickly! Mar.97
- Microscopic Life A few
tips for your viewing pleasure Mar.97
- Virtual
pond dip Getting to know the
commoner organisms Mar.97
- Woodlouse or waterlouse? An interesting pond organism Apr.97
- A comical beastie Coleps
- a fascinating but voracious protozoa Apr.97
- A desmid form new to the British Flora Desmids are attractive algae Apr.97
- On the desmid new to Britain further notes on the article above May.97
- Algae identification A
case of mis-identification - a cautionary tale! Apr.97
- Didinium - a master feeder A protozoan with attitude! May.97
- Life in a drop of water
Just how much is there in a single drop Jun.97
- Early Illustrations of Desmids Drawings of algae dated 1786 Jun.97
- Stars of the Marshes -
Algae from a Dutch fen, illustrated by superb pen and ink
drawings Aug.97
- Some Notes on the Desmid Genicularia - Desmids are attractive algae Aug.97
- Notes on the movements of desmids Sep.97
- Image of the month -
zygospore of the desmid Staurodesmus Nov.97
- An uncommon British desmid - desmids are attractive algae Nov.97
- Volvox - the
jewel of the pond Dec.97
- Pond fairies - the
freshwater bryozoa Plumatella repens Dec.97
- Birth of a rotifer -
'captured' on video stills Dec.97
- Optical and SEM examination of some species of
the desmid genus Euastrum
- SEM reveals interesting detail on these attractive
algae Jan.98
- Jaws! A Micscape Wonder Article - the beautiful and awesome features of a
rotifer captured on video Jan.98
- 'Tears
of a swan' - Lacrymaria olor, the 'giraffe' of the
protozoan world! Feb.98
- The
rotifer jaw - a look at the jaws of the rotifer
Brachionus Feb.98
- Notes
on the desmid Euastrum crassum - desmids are
attractive algae Feb.98
- Image of the month -
the rotifer Brachionus rubens Mar.98
- The desmids of Thursley Common, UK - desmids are attractive algae Apr.98
- A protozoan undergoes binary fission - with some unusual help! Apr.98
- The Institute for the promotion of the less than
one millimetre - a look at
aquatic micro-organisms in 3D! Apr.98
- Desmids and other algae: primary producers in
the food chain - desmids are
attractive algae May.98
- Hydras - fascinating
freshwater organisms. Jun.98
- More on desmid eaters
- a look at a rotifer and protozoa which eat these algae.
- Suctoria, ciliates in disguise - a fascinating protozoan with an enormous
appetite for other protozoans! Aug.98
- 'The smallest page on the web' - a stunning suite of pages illustrating some
common microscopic aquatic organisms. Sep.98
- Conochilus - a
beautiful colonial rotifer found in freshwater. Sep.98
- Spirostomum - a protozoan with the fastest contraction in
the micro-world! Oct.98
- Desmids multiplying by dividing - a look at how these
beautiful algae reproduce. Oct.98
- Institute for
the promotion of the less than one millimetre - Desmids
in 3D - a new addition to this
series showing these attractive algae. Also check out
Diatoms, Stentor and Spirogyra on menu bar in suite.
- Micscape
image gallery - arranged slides of diatoms and holothurian
plates. Staggering examples of the art of arranging
microscopic objects. Nov.98
- The water
net, Hydrodictyon - an
illustrated look at this beautiful and intriguing algae,
now a pest in some areas of the world. Dec.98
- Protozoan
houses - a fascinating article
on the protozoa who build their own home, and how to find
and study them. Dec.98
- Spirogyra - an easy
to find 'classic' algae. A beautifully illustrated
article showing reproduction by conjugation. Jan.99
- Haematococcus - an attractive algae commonly found in bird
baths which can colour the bottom deposit and water red.
- Video
gallery - new series for '99.
Share your video clips with us. This month the beating
cilia of a protozoan. Jan.99
- An
unusual protozoa? - an amateur microscopist
seeks help identifying a protozoan. Jan.99
- Further
thoughts on an unusual protozoa
- identification of the unusual protozoa query in last
month's issue. Feb.99
- A stage
aquarium for the examination of samples in fluids - an easy
to make but very useful stage aquarium for studying pond
life etc. Mar.99
- Image of
the month - a stunning image of
the protozoan Paramecium by phase contrast and taken with
electronic flash. Mar.99
- Image
gallery: diatom arrangements -
the intricate shapes and detail of these silica-shelled
algae are a favourite amongst microscopists. Mar.99
- Image
gallery: the desmid Micrasterias truncata Apr.99
- Microbe Movie
Stars - a new multimedia feature showing high quality
animated gifs of attractive microscopic creatures. This
month, the rotifers Brachionus and Limnias. May.99
- Batrachospermum - an illustrated look at an attractive algae
found in streams. By Gary Baird, US. May.99
- Video
gallery: 'dance of the Spirochaetes' - phase contrast video
studies of these tiny bacteria. May.99
- Image
gallery: protozoa portraits - a
selection of high quality images of protozoa taken with
electronic flash. May.99
- Hunting for
'bears' in the backyard - where
to find 'water bears' in the garden. A fascinating
aquatic organism and one of the 'toughest' creatures
known. May.99
- Water fleas - one of the easiest creatures to find in a
pond, but one of the most fascinating. Jun.99
- Video
gallery: Protozoa Portraits - two video clips ('avi'
and gif format) showing the beating cilia of a protozoan
and the extending pseudopod of an Amoeba. Jun.
- Zygnema - an illustrated look at an attractive
filamentous algae which is easy to find. Jun.99
- The giant
water flea Leptodora kindtii
- UFO: unidentified floating object - the fascinating algae Oedogonium.
- Microscopic freshwater crustacea - a superbly illustrated look at some common
types of crustacea. Sep.99
- Life in the torrent - a fascinating insight into the aquatic moss Fontinalis,
and the invertebrate community it supports. Sep.99
- Collecting in the torrent - practical tips on collecting from fast flowing
streams. Oct.99
- Culturing freshwater organisms - some easy methods for growing
cultures. Oct.99
- Microfossil and nannofossil image gallery - some of the common forms that can be found in
many rocks using a simple 'peel' technique. Oct.99
- Freshwater jellyfish - a fascinating look at the
sexual reproduction of a freshwater species. Dec.99
- Water mites - an introduction to this lesser studied group
with stunning images. Dec.99
- Micscape Image Gallery: 'Tough test' diatoms for
the microscope
- two super images of test diatoms taken with an optical
microscope pushed close to its limit. Dec.99
- Welcome to
the wonderfully weird world of rotifers - an insight into the wonderful variety of the
forms and habits of rotifers. Dec.99
- Rotifer
image gallery -
stunning images of rotifers and notes by Wim van Egmond,
Netherlands. Linked to and complements above article.
- Freshwater
jellyfish - a
fascinating look at one of the few freshwater species and
its life cycle. Nov.99
- Test
diatoms - what you can expect to see even with modest
optics - how to
get the best out of a modest microscope when pushed to
the limit no matter what the subject. Nov.99
- Spring thaw collecting Mar.00
Go back to
top of page
- Techniques
- Deep-field amateur microscopy May.96
- Technicolour nature - using polarised light Jun.96 Novice a
- Technicolour nature - crystals under polarised
light Part 2 of this series for
Novices Jul. 96 a
- Using your Camcorder as a Microscope Jun.96 a
- Video microscopy - getting started in black and
white Jun.96 a
- 8X Everything buying
and using a hand lens, and use with your video camera!
Jul.96 a
- Why use video?- the
benefits when studying protozoa Jul.96
- 8X More further
studies with a hand lens Aug.96 a
- Light box for a stereo microscope Oct.96
- Samworth's Snippets
Paracetamol under cross polars, Norbert's ruling machine.
Dec. 96
- Electronic Flash System for Photomicrography Feb.97
- Microscopy on the move
Using a portable microscope away from home Apr.97
- Video microscopy A
well-known amateur discusses the setup he uses Apr.97
- Slide Mounting Made Easy - Loctite Using a glass bond glue to make permanent
mounts May.97
- A salty snippet The
effect of salt on onion cells, an easy 'on the
microslide' experiment May.97
- Subjects for Polarised Light Microscopy Transforming many microscopy subjects into
technicolour images Jun.97
- Stream Dipping An
introduction Jul.97
- Topical tips - send us
your hints and tips, here's a few to kick off Oct.97
- Microscopy
around the home - studying
Brownian motion (complements above) Nov.97
- Magic windows - making
slides for viewing between crossed polars Nov.97
- Experiments with a miniature CCD camera - for video microscopy Dec.97
- Further Notes on the Micscape Article
'Experiments with a miniature CCD camera' - the pros and cons of infra-red sensitivity!
- Simple
'top lighting' with a compound microscope - or how to
study subjects you can't get light through! Feb.98
- A
history lesson on cross polars how Polaroid was
developed, with stunning image of Vitamin C Feb.98
- Oblique
illumination - or why having
the mirror or condenser out of alignment sometimes helps!
- Simple video microscopy (stills) using infra-red
light - revealing detail of
insects, shells etc. Jun.98
- Have you tried dark-field on that specimen? - many subjects benefit from the technique
- Poor man's differential interference contrast
(DIC)?: - with the help of
image processing software! Jul.98
- Incident lighting and the Lieberkuhn speculum - a look at Victorian and more recent methods
of incident lighting. Sep.98
- Inverted microscopes -
practical advice on making home-made equipment for this
type of microscope. Sep.98
- Inexpensive water-immersion microscopy - practical advice on this interesting
technique. Sep.98
- Black
and white photography - practical advice on
this under-used and under-rated form of photography
through the microscope. Nov.98
- Micscape
product review: The Eurocam VC5500 - a detailed look at this versatile product
which captures both macro and microscopic images. Dec.98
- Make your
own silver - how to grow silver
crystals on a microscope slide to produce seasonal
looking images. Dec.98
- A simple
glycerine jelly heater - plagued by bubbles in glycerine jelly mounts?
Here's a simple heater to remove them. Feb.99
- Topical
tips 3 -
how an A4 flatbed scanner can be used to catalogue
microscope slides as well as create digitised images of
large whole mounts. Plus an easy to make portable
microscope. Feb.99
- Oblique
and axial illumination - can be
used to study opaque subjects under the microscope.
- Notes on
adapting microscopes for phase contrast - Apr.99
- Adapting a
flash gun for photomicrography
- a simple but effective adaptation of a flash gun for
photomicrography. Jun.99
- Adapting
the Open University portable microscope for use with a
white LED light source Jul.99
- Silverizing
'forams' - silver staining
foraminifera. Plus notes on making micro-forceps and
micro-needles to handle 'forams'. Jul.99
- Observation
tank for examining microscopic life forms from freshwater
habitats -
a practical project for making a thin section tank.
- Digital
macroscopy on a shoestring -
secondhand high definition video cameras and lenses from
various sources can be the basis of a very high quality
macro setup. Aug.99
- Experiments
in attaching a video camera to a microscope - domestic camcorders can
be adapted for video microscopy. Aug.99
- Cleaning and adjusting the Open University
McArthur portable microscope - a clear description with many
illustrations of how to service this amazing microscope.
- Biological polarized light microscopy - cross polarised light can
reveal fascinating aspects of live creatures, e.g. the
muscles of Daphnia. Sep.99
- Using a white LED in the Open University
portable microscope - a simple method of providing lighting for
this popular microscope. Oct.99
- Counting the dots: giving microscopes a
'workout' with diatom test slides - prepared slides of diatom
species can be used to check out a microscope's
performance. Oct.99
- Getting closer in macro mode with digicams - simple supplementary lenses
in front of fixed focus digital cameras can greatly
extend their macro capabilities. Dec.99
- Digital dilemmas - a look at the pros and cons of
different routes for the hobbyist to directly digitise
macro/micro images. Dec.99
- Forays
into 'consumercam' photomicroscopy - consumer digital stills cameras can give
excellent results with a microscope. Nov.99
- Producing
numbered grids for display and identification on arranged
microscope slides - how to create attractive grids
or lettering for arranged slides of e.g. 'forams' just
using simple photographic techniques and imaging
software. Nov.99
- Digital
macroscopy in autumn with a flatbed scanner - scanners are very versatile
macroscopes for some subjects. Autumn provides a wealth
of suitable subjects like leaves, fungi and ferns. Dec.99
- Radiolarian shells: three small projects in
digital imaging for microscopists - create stunning animations
from stills. Jan.00
- Fiber optics light, a home project - cold light sources are
expensive. A design for the experienced DIY enthusiast or
electrician. Jan.00
- A method for preserving certain insects and
arachnids - or
a new use for nail varnish! Jan.00
- Update on 'Forays into photomicrography with
digicams' -
further tips on using a consumer digital stills camera
over a microscope. Includes tips on DIY camera supports.
- Multi-coloured macro - common objects around the
home can be used to create attractive images when viewed
in polarised light and photographed in close-up. Jan.00
- Photographing snowflakes - techniques and tips for
photographing these elusive subjects. Feb.00
- How to preserve a snowflake - how to encapsulate snowflakes
using various techniques. Feb.00
- Take your (old) stereo microscope outdoors - how an old stereo 'scope can be used to good
effect to study subjects outside. Feb.00
- Vital staining for protozoa and other related
mounting techniques - some valuable techniques for staining
protozoa whilst alive. Feb.00
- The construction of a Victorian
type dry-mounted slide - how to reconstruct a splendid 'papered' slide
of Foraminifera. Feb.00
- Illumination variants - a variation of oblique
illumination which gives attractive results with subjects
like diatoms. Feb.00
- A low cost set-up for taking digital images
through a microscope and for macroscopy - how for a few dollars,
microscopy and digital image capture is fun using simple
equipment. Feb.00
- Mic-UK slide-making projects - a down to earth style look at
how various techniques can be used to make your own
slides. This month, an introducion to hand-sectioning and
wax-embedding. Feb.00
- Illumination variants, diffuse lighting Mar.00
- The repair of broken coverslips on paper covered
slides Mar.00
- Using fiber optic illumination Mar.00
- Quick trials using a two megapixel camera for
(Nikon Coolpix 700) Mar.00
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