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"Great site. It's very easy to use, as well as being the most comprehensive site around"--David L. Cornell Univeristy

"Very informative"--Louise W., Drexel University

"The versatility of online research combined with an extensive service like studyabroad.com makes it much more possible to make going to school in other countries a reality"--Christopher C., Sullivan Ross State University

"I would just like to say thank you for being so helpful!"--Patricia M., Temple University

"Wonderful";--Mary Ellen F, Mt. Holyoke College

"Thanks for the assitance in choosing the best foreign study program that fits my needs"--Thomas M., Boston College

"I am very pleased to have the opportunity to examine the various options in this country for exchange programs. I always knew they existed, but finding them was always difficult and tedious. I'll spread the news about studyabroad.com!"--Robert C., Centenary College of Louisiana

"I'm really glad I found you" -- Michelle S., Ohio State University

"This is a very handy and informative way to look up study abroad programs. I like it and I'm glad I found it on my net search"--Amy D., Meredith College

"Cool! I hope all schools tell you about their programs. This came just in time. What a positive way to use such dynamic medium!"--Daniel M., Tufts University

"Looks great!!!"--Chritopher G., Brown University

"Superb!"--George T., St. Mary's College of Maryland

"Thank you so much for this service! It saved me so much time and footwork so that I can better plan my life-long dream of going to Italy!"--Jessica P., Univesity of Arizona

"I just discovered your service. Its content is useful and very important. Glad you guys provide it on-line for poor students like myself"--Thuy T., University of Houston

"Wonderful site"--Thanh T., Ohio State University

"Thank you for supplying accessible information at the touch of my fingertips"--AnnaMarie P., University of Massachusetts - Amherst

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