studyabroad.com Newsletter - Volume 10
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studyabroad.com Newsletter Volume 10
- "What's New" is what's new -- that is our new on-line feature which tells studyabroad.com users about our latest features, services and advertisers. "What's New" is just a click away from our home page and is updated regularly. Check it out!
- We are pleased to announce two new Master Sponsors, The School For International Training and Semester at Sea. The School for International Training offers College Semester Abroad programs in more than 40 countries worldwide. Semester at Sea offers programs in international education that incorporate direct contact with people and their cultures, visited aboard the "floating university." You can check out their web-sites by selecting their hot buttons from the studyabroad.com Home Page. With these additions, we have just one Master Sponsor position still available.
- If you've been through our web site lately, you may have noticed that we have updated the graphic design throughout. We hope that we have achieved a cleaner, easier to read, and more consistent format. Virtually all of the studyabroad.com pages have been revised. Let us know what you think.
- It was just back in April that we announced upgrading our connection to the Internet from a 56K line to a 256K line. Well, we've done it again, this time moving up to a full T-1. The T-1 can handle up to 1.544Mb of data per second (compared to a 28.8 modem at 28.8Kb per second). The T-1 is capable of sending full motion video. We believe that we are now well situated to handle the anticipated increase in traffic to the site as well as the anticipated demand for new technology such as sound and video files, which require a lot of band-width.
The extensive Back to School Marketing campaign which was outlined in our last newsletter is now well underway. Here's a quick summary of what we're doing in the next few weeks to make sure students know where to find us.
- Student's Choice Ad Packs - Direct Distribution to 1,000,000 4 year college students nationwide.
- Poster Campaign - 30,000 posters to be placed on campuses throughout the US and Canada.
- Study Abroad Office Mailings - We've mailed thousands of studyabroad.com Users Guides with holders, posters and mouse pads to hundreds of study abroad offices at select US universities. Many have returned the order form asking for additional supplies. If you would like supplies for your institution, please e-mail us your request.
- Transitions Abroad Magazine - We have taken out a display ad in the September/October issue of Transitions Abroad.
- Strategic Links/Search Engines - We have contacted hundreds of webmasters and maintainers of web pages which deal with study abroad and educational resources, asking for a link to studyabroad.com. There are now more than 320 known external links to studyabroad.com pages and the number grows. As always we are working continuously to keep our name as far up the list as possible on the major search engines when users search on terms such as "study abroad."
- We will once again do a huge fax broadcast to over 900 college and community newspapers throughout the US, of a press release announcing our one year anniversary and our Back to School Sweepstakes (see below).
We are excited to announce our 2nd annual Back to School Sweepstakes. Once again we will be giving away a grand prize of a round-trip airfare to any European destination. Students can enter on-line by filling out a form. We're also asking students for some profile information including if, where, and when the intend to study abroad. This information is shared with our advertisers (unless the student checks a box asking to keep the information private).
We have numerous prizes lined up but we still have room for a couple more. Logos and links to web sites of prize providers will appear on the contest page. If you would like to participate by supplying a prize, contact Mark Landon .
If you appreciate studyabroad.com, we would appreciate a favor from you. We believe that we belong on a web site called "THE POINT," a search site dealing with just the "top 5% of all web sites." If you agree, go to
and submit a review of studyabroad.com!
In response to user feedback, we are now providing more information in our free listings. Now included are a one sentence program description and information on types of academic programs offered. We will soon include e-mail addresses on our free listings as well. Please visit our Free Listing form and update your listings. To go directly to the form, point your browser to the following address:
$99 SALE!
Like all good marketing organizations, we're having a sale! We've reduced the price on our "Simple Listings" to US$99 annually. Simple Listings are a single page of text with a logo and one additional graphic or photograph. Each Simple Listing can feature just one program in a single country. Simple Listings are designed to allow small organizations with no previous "web presence" to take advantage of our service. For more information contact webmaster@studyabroad.com.
studyabroad.com welcomes the following new advertisers since our last newsletter:
Academia De La Lengua Espanola de Mazatlan
American College in London
Carpe Diem - Escuela de Espanol
Center for Cross-Cultural Study
DiS Denmark's International Study Program
International Education Finance Corporation
KCP International Language Institute
Language and Leisure Ireland
Language Link, Inc.
Middlesex University
New World Telecommunications
SUNY - Cortland (International Education Office)
SUNY - Oswego (International Education Office)
University of Tennessee at Martin (Intensive English Program)
University of Wisconsin - Steven's Point (International Programs)
Venusa, C.P.S.A.
Virtus Institute
While the summer has brought us more traffic from commercial domains than from educational domains, we bring you once again our Top Ten List. Following are the top ten universities in terms of usage of our system in the month of July. Shown is the number of pages requested from our server by users from each domain.
University of Washington | 672
Stanford University | 616
University of Texas | 368
SUNY Oswego* | 219
Syracuse University* | 211
University of Michigan | 204
University of Pennsylvania | 199
University of Georgia | 193
Penn State University | 187
Indiana University | 183
*studyabroad.com advertisers-some activity is site development related
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Aston, PA 19014
(610) 364-0400
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