studyabroad.com Newsletter - Volume 12
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Once again, we have some new features available on studyabroad.com.
- We are proud to introduce the "studyabroad.com Handbook: A guide to Traveling Abroad" This extremely useful guide written by Bill Hoffa is available for all students to browse. It contains a great deal of information including tips on safety, legal matters, health issues, transferring credit and much, much more. Be sure to check it out. The handbook can now be accessed via a link from the studyabroad.com home page.
- Users can now search our listings by subject area as well as by country. Students can select from more than 50 pre-defined subject areas to find programs appropriate for them. This feature is still under development, but has already become quite popular. You can be sure that your programs can be found through this search by checking your listings on-line. If we do not have your subject listings, please update our data by visiting our update form at http://www.studyabroad.com/update/
Our First Anniversary Sweepstakes which began on September 1, has come to an end. Winners will be announced on-line within the next few days. We received more than 3800 entries. More than half of the entrants have asked us to share their names and addresses with our advertisers. The 3rd (final) set of leads from the sweepstakes will be distributed to our advertisers within the next week.
We have added several new designs of posters that our professional distributors began placing in December. We had previously issued an 8 1/2 x 11 inch poster which at times is hard to place due to crowded conditions on bulletin boards. We are giving our distributors 1/2 and 1/3 sized posters in addition to the full sized posters to increase our coverage. Agents can choose the size which fits best.
We have been continuing to develop a "User Database" which consists of advisors and counselors who assist students in choosing outside programs. We are providing them with free supplies including mouse pads, posters and our popular User Guides. The User Guides are brochures describing how to our site from the student's perspective.
Information collected in conjunction with the sweepstakes (see above) gives us a good indication as to how our site was found. Here is the tally of Internet submitted entries (3131 came on-line, 696 via US Mail)
41% from web search engines (Yahoo 35%, Infoseek 20%, Webcrawler 15%, Altavista 10%)
20% from Posters
9% from other website links
6% from Students Choice, college ad packs advertisement
4% from User Guides
3% from another student
3% from an advisor, (in addition to User Guides)
While placing a poster at the College of Saint Elizabeth in New Jersey, one of our poster distributors was approached by Dr. Hennelore Hahn, Chairperson of the Foreign Language Department who said that she was looking to establish a co-op program with another college for a study abroad program. She was hoping that we could suggest one. Rather than specifically recommending a program we thought we'd include her request here. She can be reached at hahn@liza.st-elizabeth.edu or 1-201-605-7330.
Ernest LeFranc, the Study Abroad Administrator of Academia Integral, S.L. in Spain contacted us asking that anyone looking to send students to Spain for Intensive Language Classes consider his school. He can be reached at: integral@arrakis.es
We are pleased to welcome the following new advertisers to studyabroad.com:
Academia de Espanol Quito
American Academy of English
Asesoria Gerencial
Beaver College - Center for Education Abroad
Centro Panamericano de Idiomas
don Quijote
Education International
Educacion Para Todas
Escuela Internacional
Fairfield University - Semester/Year in Florence
Instituto de Lenguaje "Pura Vida"
Instituto Habla Hispana
Kent State University - Int'l and Comparative Programs
North American Institute for Study Abroad
People to People International
Thunderbird - The American Graduate School of Int'l Management
University of Leeds
Yemen Language Center
Once again, we are pleased to report strong growth in overall traffic to the studyabroad.com web site. Below are numbers of pages served each month for the past year:
December 1996
January 1996
February 1996
March 1996
April 1996
May 1996
June 1996 (estimated -data missing)
July 1996
August 1996
September 1996
October 1996
November 1996
Following are the top ten universities in terms of usage of our system for week ending November 22, 1996.
- University of Texas
- Ashland University
- Duke University
- University of Minnesota
- University of Pennsylvania
- Texas A & M University
- Princeton University
- University of Arizona
- University of Virginia
- Northwestern University
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(610) 364-0400
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