We are pleased to report that our new Listings Update system is working nicely. The new system allows program administrators to enter a special update area where they can view their listings and enter changes as necessary. The changes are then reviewed by our staff before they appear online.We have had positive feedback from the administrators who have used this system. The new update system is currently available for our Academic and Intensive Language Listings. We intend to extend the functionality to include the Experiential, High School, and TOEFL listings shortly.
Administrators can enter the new update system by visiting http://www.studyabroad.com/update.
The mailing, which was sent out during February and March, consisted of 5000 pieces,and read:
"As a matter of fact, it is Rocket Science
... and
molecular biology
...and plant pathology
...and professional
... and neuroscience
... and immersion language
...and a
whole lot more!"
Following this text are the logos and URLS for the sites. The message on the back invites recipients to visit the sites and to order supplies of promotional materials to hand out to students.
This campaign is also being carried into our second wave of spring posting. The new posters will begin showing up on campuses across the US beginning next week.
In just four weeks the program has already generated more than 1500 referrals to our home page.
If you are interested in becoming an affiliate, you can learn how by following the link from http://www.studyabroad.com/linkbanners/linkus.html
While this primary server handles HTML and image files, the Studyabroad.com site also depends on three other computers which handle our inquiry forms and database integration. We utilize Starnine's Webstar server software and Filemaker Pro database software.
Studyabroad.com user guides (brochures)
Cardboard (desktop) holders for user
Plastic (stick-on) holders for user guides
Studyabroad.com mouse pads
You can send your orders to Erica Brechemin by phone (610-364-0400), by fax (610-497-3812), or by email (erica@studyabroad.com). Be sure to note the quantity of each item you are requesting.
Previously, we have included these programs in our Academic Year/Semester directories. The decision to break these directories out was prompted by requests from both students and program administrators.
If you are the administrator of a Winter or Spring Intersession program, please let us know. You can visit our update page (http://www.studyabroad.com) and enter "Intersession" in the "term" field for your program.
When making changes to your site, if you must change URLs, be sure to leave a trail to your new pages. If you don't provide forwarding pages, users who are trying to find you will get lost in a maze of "404 Not Found" messages, and will likely never find you. This not only affects links from Studyabroad.com, but also from countless search engines and related sites which have links to your site.
The best strategy is to make sure your new pages have the same address as the old pages when restructuring. If this is not possible, you should keep the old pages active as forwarding pages to the new ones. You should also alert Studyabroad.com and any other sites which link to you when you make changes to the structure of your site.
A F International School of Languages
Academia Málaga PLUS
On Language
AEEC - Abroad Educational Exchange Center
American Business English
Augsburg College - Center for Global
Beloit College, Center for Language Studies
Centro Studi Filippo Bruneleschi
Columbia University, Biosphere 2 Center
Dominican University
Eurolingua Institute
Exito Travel
Green Mountain
College, Sino-American
Center for Environmental Education
Il Globo
Il Sillabo
ITC, s.r.o.
Pacific Institute for Advanced Russian
Seton Hall University, Law in China
Spanish Institute of
Tianjin College of Science and Engineering
University of
Here's a look at unique hosts (roughly the number of unique users) per month visiting studyabroad.com:
February 1999: 63,855
February 1998: 53,783
January 1999: 66,263
January 1998: 53,325
December 1998: 27,121
December 1997: 31,424
November 1998: 32,156
November 1997: 40,356
October 1998: 72,774
October 1997: 54,096
September 1998: 52,416
September 1997: 41,789
August 1998: 39,209
August 1997: 37,430
July 1998: 49,774
July 1997: 28,099
June 1998: 37,692
June 1997: 28,648
May 1998: 51,974
May 1997: 39,108
April 1998: 47,279
April 1997: 37,240
March 1998: 49,649
March 1997: 35,924
jp Japan
ca Canada
uk United Kingdom
au Australia
nl Netherlands
no Norway
se Sweden
sg Singapore
fr France
mx Mexico
es Spain
it Italy
ru Russia
(610) 364-0400