Newsletter - Volume 27

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FOUR YEARS OLD AND GROWING STRONG made its debut on Labor Day weekend, 1995. We've come a long way in four years, increasing our traffic, our scope, and our knowledge. We are proud to be the leader in the world of online marketing of study abroad programs. For those of you who have been following our progress and working with us since the beginning, we thank you!

As we head into our 5th Back-To-School season, we're very excited to launch our biggest promotional campaign yet. Here are some of the highlights:

**5th Annual Back-to-school sweepstakes - This year's sweepstakes promises to be the biggest and best yet. This year's grand prize includes a four week summer study program in Paris, round-trip airfare from the U.S., and a 2 week Eurail Pass. We'll also be throwing in a bunch of t-shirts as consolation prizes. This years sweepstakes is being co-sponsored by Cultural Experiences Abroad ( and (

**Advisors Kits - We've just completed our mailing of study abroad advisor kits. Thanks to all of the advisors who signed up to request the kits at the NAFSA conference in Denver, this will be our biggest mailing ever. The kits include mouse pads, user guides, holders, post cards, posters and a copy of the Handbook. The advisors on our list use these materials to direct students to

**Poster Campaign - Once again we will be launching an extensive poster placement campaign on college campuses throughout the U.S. Our new poster theme this year (as many of you saw on our t-shirts at the NAFSA conference) is 'Expose Yourself to the World.' Posters are hung by professional services at schools in all 50 states.

**Post Cards - One of the hottest new marketing tools to reach young people is the distribution of free post cards. Post cards are mailed to friends, displayed on dorm room walls, and collected. We'll be distributing through the same network which distributes our posters, as well as through study abroad offices.

** 'Book Store' Bags - We're giving away thousands of 'book store-type' plastic bags to organizations running Study Abroad fairs. These bags will be distributed at the door for participants to use for collecting materials. If you are running a study abroad fair and you would like to have some free bags, contact Lori Faunce at

**Targeted Print Media - Look for our ads in Transitions Abroad magazine (we also have a banner on the Transitions Abroad home page) as well as in other specialized publications.

**Search Engine Promotion - We currently receive in excess of 5,000 referrals per week from the major search engines (i.e. Altavista, Yahoo, Infoseek, Lycos, and others). We constantly monitor our positioning, and watch our content and meta-tags in order to maintain our positioning. In addition, we have purchased many key-words on the site.

**Affiliates Program - has an affiliates program through ClickTrade. This program is designed so that we pay webmasters who link to our site for each click-through to We currently have 642 affiliate sites through this program. If you are responsible for a website and would like to generate some extra income for your organization, you can become an affiliate. You can learn how by following the link from

** - We have recently taken over management of the cooperative advertising website This is a cooperative of 6 study abroad programs which pool their resources to purchase banner advertising on major search engines (i.e. Lycos, Excite, Webcrawler). The banners link to a common page, which in turn links to each of the program websites. In exchange for our managing this program, there is now a banner on the common page.

We spend a lot of time and money building and maintaining We know that this is all for nothing if we don't drive traffic to our site. As the Internet gets bigger and more congested, it is more important than ever that we promote our site heavily. We believe that our fall campaign, outlined above, will keep us in our position as the leading online study abroad information site.


As announced in a recent Newsletter Special Edition,'s parent company has recently undergone a name change. The new name is Educational Directories Unlimited (EDU). We believe that the EDU name more accurately reflects our purpose. We have a new phone number to go along with the new name: (610) 364-0400. Please make a note of this change for your records.

Please note that there will be no change in the name of our service, We will continue to operate and market the product and the address:, as we always have.

In addition to, EDU also operates the popular website ( The EDU corporate web site is accessible at


Smaller Directories - We have been busy this summer sub-dividing many of our larger directories. We felt that quite a few of the directories for more popular destinations contained too many listings, making it difficult for students to find what they are looking for and for program sponsors to attract attention to their programs. The new sub-directories take a country and break it down into smaller regions, each containing a smaller list of programs. For example, our Spain page now links to 3 sub-directories for programs in Northern/Eastern Spain, Central Spain and Southern Spain. The initial feedback we have received on this move from students and administrators has been positive.

**Software/Hardware Upgrades - We've also been busy installing new servers (the Apple blue & white G3 Power PCs) and the latest server software in order to make sure we're up to the task of handling the fall traffic rush.


We are very pleased to welcome the following new advertisers to

Academia de Espanol - Sureuropa
Accademia del Giglio
American University in Bulgaria
American University of Rome
Anglo American Educational Services
Argonauta Vat
Benefit Concepts
Buendia Spanish Language School
Central European Education and Cultural Exchange
Centro Mexicano Internacional
Churchill House School of English Language
Coined Argentina
College of St. Scholastica
Curtin University of Technology
Deutsche Sommerschule am Atlantikv
GAP Adventures
ICI Langue
Institute of International Studies
Intercontinental Recruitment and Support Services
International Summer Program at the University of Vienna
Internships in Francophone Europe
Langara College
Living Spanish
Marquette University, Study Center in Madrid
Minnesota State University-Akita, Japan
Programs Abroad Travel Alternatives (PATA)
Rail Connection
Ramapo College of New Jersey, Study Abroad Office
Renaissance Agencies, Inc.
Sea Education Association
Seven Corners (Insurance Provider)
Solexico Language and Cultural Center
Suffolk University, Madrid Campus
Tufts University, Programs Abroad Office
University of Haifa Overseas Student Program
University of Rochester - Internships in Europe


Here's a look at unique hosts (roughly the number of unique users) per month visiting

August 1999: 66,151 (estimated)
August 1998: 39,209

July 1999: 60,520
July 1998: 49,774

June 1999: 56,408
June 1998: 37,692

May 1999: 53,824
May 1998: 51,974

April 1999: 61,277
April 1998: 47,279

March 1999: 64,205
March 1998: 49,649

February 1999: 63,855
February 1998: 53,783

January 1999: 66,263
January 1998: 53,325

December 1998: 27,121
December 1997: 31,424

November 1998: 32,156
November 1997: 40,356

October 1998: 72,774
October 1997: 54,096

September 1998: 52,416
September 1997: 41,789


The following statistics give us a snapshot of traffic by day of the week and by hour of the day. These stats have been collected through June, July and August of this year.

Percentage of Total Traffic by Day of Week:

Sunday 11%
Monday 16%
Tuesday: 17%
Wednesday: 16%
Thursday: 16%
Friday: 13%
Saturday: 11%

Percentage of Total Traffic by Hour of Day:

Midnight: 3.84%
1 am: 3.27%
2 am: 2.76%
3 am: 2.57%
4 am: 2.50%
5 am: 2.37%
6 am: 2.27%
7 am: 2.35%
8 am: 3.04%
9 am: 4.04%
10 am: 4.88%
11 am: 5.32%
Noon: 5.68%
1 pm: 5.84%
2 pm: 6.29%
3 pm: 6.21%
4 pm: 6.17%
5 pm: 5.41%
6 pm: 4.61%
7 pm: 4.21%
8 pm: 3.91%
9 pm: 4.11%
10 pm: 4.22%
11 pm: 4.12%

TOP 10 EDU Domains

Here are the top 10 EDU Domains visiting for the period of May 21 through August 26. Following each school name you will find the number of pages viewed from that campus during this period. The summer months see much of our traffic drift from the '.edu' domains to the '.com' domains as many students leave campus for home.

  1. SUNY Brockport: 2218
  2. University of Minnesota: 2081
  3. University of Washington: 1953
  4. California State University - Berkeley: 1221
  5. Rutgers University: 1151
  6. University of Pittsburgh: 1138
  7. University of Texas: 1070
  8. Miami University of Ohio: 1069
  9. Harvard University: 1,000
  10. University of Florida: 993
265 E. Dutton Mill Road
Aston, PA 19014

(610) 364-0400

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