We are very excited to announce two new Studyabroad.com Services. The first is Studyabroad.com Express, an innovative, time-sensitive tool for reaching potential study abroad students. The other new service is English.Studyabroad.com, a front end to our ESL listings which provides potential English students with a shortcut to the information they are looking for.
Studyabroad.com Express allows advertisers to reach prospective students on their own time frame. They can use this service to announce programs, deadlines, and scholarships, or to pro-actively reach out to the market.
Studyabroad.com Express is an 'opt-in' email announcement list for students. Students who visit the Studyabroad.com website are invited to sign up. The initial distribution will reach about 3,000 subscribers. Students have been signing up at a rate of approximately 50 per day.
Each week the first item on Express will be the 'Feature of the Week.' This premium position will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis each week.
The list will be distributed each Monday afternoon. The deadline for advertising is noon eastern time every Monday. Pricing starts at $20 per issue. Full details are available at http://www.studyabroad.com/express/adinfo.html or by phoning Mark Landon at 610-364-0400.
English.Studyabroad.com is now online and receiving traffic. It is designed to attract the attention of prospective ESL students world-wide. English.Studyabroad.com is being marketed as its own unique site, and utilizes many of the same online promotional techniques which have made Studyabroad.com a leading resource.
This new site shares the ESL program directories with the Studyabroad.com Language section. In effect, the new English.Studyabroad.com Home Page is a shortcut to the ESL listing pages, cutting out several layers of menus and making it easier for prospective students to find what they are looking for. Prospective students can now find ESL program listings by entering http://english.studyabroad.com, or by going to http://www.studyabroad.com and clicking through to the Language Programs section. This means that listings in this section can now have twice the impact.
If you run an ESL program, we encourage you verify that we have your program listed and that the listing contains accurate information. You can check out your listings by visiting http://www.studyabroad.com/update/
The pricing for links from our directory to your website starts at just US$225 per year. We are also offering an introductory package for new ESL program advertisers which includes a link (standard listing) and a mini-banner (hot button) at a discount rate of US$350/year. This is a savings of $150. Master Sponsor positions, which provide for a link on the English.Studyabroad.com home page are also available and cost US$3500 per year. Please write to mlandon@studyabroad.com for more information.
We encourage study abroad advisors and program sponsors to visit the discussion boards to answer student inquiries and offer expert advice.
You can access the boards by choosing 'Study Abroad Forum' from the Studyabroad.com Home Page.
We will be happy to provide bags for your upcoming study abroad fair or other event. Contact Lori Faunce (lori@studyabroad.com) to place your order.
We will be moving about 4 miles away from our current office to a new facility in the University Technology Park. Our new offices will be in a recently constructed building which will house only technology related businesses. The office building is a joint project of Widener University, the University City Science Center and the Crozer Keystone Health System. This new space will put us just off of Interstate 95, 7 miles south of the Philadelphia International Airport.
Please make the following changes to your records:
Effective immediately:
Corporate Name: EDU (Educational Directories Unlimited, Inc.)
Phone: 610-364-0400
Fax: 610-497-3812
Effective December 6, 1999
1450 Edgmont Avenue, Suite 140
University Technology Park
Chester, PA 19013
Brazilian Portuguese Language Center
CELA Spanish School
Central Washington University UESL Program
College of William and Mary
Language Instruction Centrum
Linguatec Language Center
Loyola University New Orleans School of Law
Malaga Si - Spanish Language School
Oxford Study Abroad Program
SIB Swiss School of International Banking and Finance
Union College, Summer Literary Seminars
University of Tulsa College of Law
Y & N Language & Cultural Studies
Here's a look at unique hosts (roughly the number of unique users) per month visiting studyabroad.com:
October 1999: 99,847
October 1998: 72,774
September 1999: 80,074
September 1998: 52,416
August 1999: 70,356
August 1998: 39,209
July 1999: 60,520
July 1998: 49,774
June 1999: 56,408
June 1998: 37,692
May 1999: 53,824
May 1998: 51,974
April 1999: 61,277
April 1998: 47,279
March 1999: 64,205
March 1998: 49,649
February 1999: 63,855
February 1998: 53,783
January 1999: 66,263
January 1998: 53,325
December 1998: 27,121
December 1997: 31,424
November 1998: 32,156
November 1997: 40,356
Windows 98 37%
Windows 95 37%
Windows NT 10%
Unknown 6%
Macintosh OS 6%
Windows 3.1 2%
All others 2%
(610) 364-0400