Newsletter - Volume 1

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Welcome to the first newsletter. While you may have seen our site recently, we are making significant improvements and growing daily. We hope that you will browse our offering often to keep informed and updated about your field.
We offer free listings to any open enrollment study abroad program in the world. To date there are 431 providers in our database. New submissions are welcome by e-mail (, fax (USA - 610-497-3812) or through our website (
An advertising presence on is available and we are currently bringing up many customers. 5 of the 8 Master Listings are currently being developed or being held pending funding approval.
The major launch to the USA student population will occur 10/30/95 according to the plan indicated in our media kit. Several thousand advertising posters will be placed by our campus representative network and more will be mailed to program offices. Links are being established with major student online services, one is already active (
We have just been listed with Yahoo, making this the last of the major seach engines to list us. WE ARE SEEING SIGNIFICANT TRAFFIC GROWTH from these search engines alone. We continue to surf the globe looking for strategic links to bring added traffic into our site.
A new section of our site is being developed. FORUM is designed to be a leading source for keeping up with the world of international education. One FORUM area is for our advertisers to place press releases and news items in a bulletin board fashion. A second is for non-news, feature articles that can be submitted by students, faculty and administrators alike. As the submissions increase we will be offering prizes and contests to help provide an interactive and timely feel to our system. FORUM will also have a section for links to other web sites of interest.
We now have our media kit online. Some slight changes have been made to the service offerings due to customer input. We are customer driven, no request is too difficult, this is the information age, and we are

Thanks for your interest,
265 E. Dutton Mill Road
Aston, PA 19014

(610) 364-0400

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