Before departure you should have done ALL the following:


Copy down all names, phone numbers, postal and e-mail addresses of campus people and offices with which you MIGHT need to have contact during your time away.

Attend ALL general and program orientation sessions to which you are invited.

Declare your major, if you have not already done this.

Arrange for all required course approvals, for major and/or elective credit.

Clear all registration holds and make sure all outstanding balances are paid.

Get your International Student Identity Card

If eligible for aid, complete FINANCIAL AID application materials.

Sign the Perkins Loan, Stafford Loan or University Loan Promissory Note. If a note is not signed before you leave campus, it will be sent to your home address unless you notify your campus Loan Office differently.

If you have been declared eligible for receiving financial aid for study abroad, submit the Student Aid Report (SAR) to your campus Financial Aid Office for certification. If SAR is revised either by this office or by you and the revised copy of the SAR has not reached you at home before your departure, alert your parents to forward it to your campus Financial Aid Office without delay.

Notify Registrar's Office of your re-admittance plans.

If you are away during spring semester, get a Renewal Financial Aid Application (usually available in February) and submit before deadline (usually by April 15 on most campuses) so as not to jeopardize your chances for aid when you return. Send your campus Financial Aid Office written instructions by the beginning of January if you want your renewal packet sent to a different address. Otherwise, it will be sent to the address which is on the Registrar's data base as home address.

Terminate all current contracts with residential living, dining service, etc.

Arrange with your Campus Mail center to have any mail which comes when you are away sent to your home address.

If you are not a U.S. citizen, consult with a foreign student adviser to make sure your visa and other papers are in order.

Especially if you are seeking an 'internationalized' career, contact the campus career services office to find out what they recommend and to open a reference file.

Make sure your campus has the names and addresses of those persons who should be contacted in the event of an emergency.


Apply for your passport. If you already have a passport, make sure that it is valid well past the date of your anticipated return; if it is not, renew it ASAP.

Make flight arrangements, on your own or as part of a group flight sponsored by your program.

Collect documents required for your visa (if the country you are going to requires one for entry). Apply for and obtain the visa.

Collect any other entry documents you are required to take with you (e.g. entry documents, immunization records, etc.)

Pay all required fees to the sponsoring program. Discuss any problems with campus staff.


Plan a budget. Bring an emergency fund (minimum: $250)

Prepare to bring the recommended amount of money for start-up costs.

Arrange with your bank to have $100 in local currency to bring with you.

Make sure you have the credit cards, bank cards, telephone cards, etc, which you are planning to use.

Obtain rail passes, hostel cards, etc., as needed.

If you intend paid work overseas before or after your program, obtain your visa to allow this (note: only selected countries) from CIEE.

Consider purchasing insurance for personal liability property loss, trip cancellation, etc.

Arrange for 'power of attorney' for the person handling your financial affairs in your absence (if not parent or guardian).

Discuss safety and terrorism issues with your family, and emergency contact procedures.

Arrange for absentee voting in any election which will occur before you return (where you are registered to vote).

Bring all medication, prescriptions, saline solutions, extra glasses or contacts, etc.

Make sure you understand how your Health Insurance plan covers you, actually works. Go over the International Student Identity Card coverage. Get additional insurance for additional coverage, as needed. BRING YOUR INSURANCE CARDS.

Bring several extra passport-size photographs (for misc. use)

Have a physical, dental check, eye examination, etc. Make sure you receive all appropriate inoculations.

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