- Registration Form - Apply either online or fill out the copy provided in our info packet. Please do not mail your form without your email address.
- $100 deposit fee for one course $200 for two courses and $300 for 3 courses is required to reserve and ensure your spot on the courses. Students judged by La Suerte or Ometepe not suitable to take the course or students that end up on the waiting list (space is limited) will have their registration fee refunded. The registration fee is an application-processing fee and is not refundable but is transferable to future courses. Do not apply unless you are ready to commit to the program.
- * * *Student Statement - A written personal introduction giving your background, special skills, suitable for the course, personal and academic goals, why you wish to attend the course and how you think you will benefit from it.
- * * *Reference Form - filled out by a college faculty member, employer or professor that knows you (form found in the information packet).
- * * *Physician's note of good health - A note signed by your doctor indicating you are fit to travel.
- Certificate of insurance - fill out this form with the name, address and phone number of your insurance provider, and your insurance policy number. All students are required to have medical insurance to attend a course (form found in the information packet).
- Release form - must be signed to attend a course. If you are over 18 years of age, you sign it; if you're younger than 18, your parents must sign it. If you're married, your spouse must sign it (form found in the information packet).
- Program Fee - Each single course costs $1,350 which includes: the $100 registration processing fee; instruction, room and board, 3 meals a day and transportation from San Jose to La Suerte (Costa Rica) round trip or from Managua to Ometepe (Nicaragua) round trip. Two courses will cost $1,250 each and three courses will cost $1,150.00 each.
- Travel Itineraries - All students must send their travel schedules as soon as they're available to your professor and our Miami office. We can not meet you at the airport unless we know your schedule.
Students are welcome to register for several courses in Nicaragua or
Costa Rica with the following discounts:
*two back to back courses : $200.00 discount. In other word two courses
will cost $2,800.00 ($1400)
*Three courses- $450.00 discount. In other words, 3 courses will cost
$4,050.00 USD (1350.00 ea).
Students are welcome to take multiple courses at the two stations,
consecutive sessions do not overlap.
The tuition balance for multiple courses is due 45 days prior to the
beginning of the first course.
Additional costs for Multiple courses: It is suggested that you make
arrangements to arrive in the country the first class will begin in and
depart from the country the last class will end in. Contact our office
or the course instructor for further details. Student will not be charge
room and board on the overlapping days if they stay at the station. The
bus transport between Nicaragua and Costa Rica is $15.00 one way. The
busses are comfortable and reliable.
(U.S. Dollars) Cashier checks, money order, or personal checks drawn in US banks, or wire transfers. For wire transfer info please contact us at lasuerte@safari.net
Make checks payable to:
La Suerte Biological Field Station
P.O. Box 55-7519, Miami, FL 33255-7519
e-mail: lasuerte@safari.net
Phone: 305-666-9932 Fax: 305-666-7581 24 hrs answering service 305-957-0444.
If withdrawing form a class please let us know immediately so we can
give students on a waiting list your space.
If withdrawing from the course 45 days before the scheduled class, a
full refund is made $1400.00. If you are enrolled in consecutive classes
for a refund we must be notified 45 days prior to the beginning of the
first class. If you withdraw from class 45 days or less prior to the
trip, the tuition is transferable to a future course. We will also give
you space priority in any class if you reschedule before the application
deadlines. The registration fee ($100.00) is an application-processing
fee and is non-refundable once you are accepted into the course. The
registration fee ($100.00) is also transferable if rescheduling.
Every student is required to
bring the
following for the course
{Textbooks; see above}
(*Art students may omit some items from this list,
also refer to art
course materials list.)
- Compass
- Flashlight and rechargeable batteries ("Renewal"
alkaline work best)
- Light weight raincoat
- "Write- in -the -rain" data book*, all-weather
pen, biodegradable (blue) flagging*, and 1 permanent black
marker. These can be purchased from Forestry Suppliers, Inc.
(1-800-647-5368) 601-354-3565. Item number for the Spiral
all-weather Notebooks is #49318*. They cost approximately
$4.00 each; please order two. The all-weather pens are item
number #49237*. They are approximately $6.00 each; please
order two. Blue flagging is item number 58042* (please order
2 rolls @ $1.70 each).
- Water bottle or canteen, pocket knife, binoculars (7 x 35
or 8 x 40).
- A box of one-quart size zip lock bags to protect personal
items from moisture
- 2 cans of insect repellent, Signal whistle, 10x or 15x
hand lens, mosquito net
- Calf-high rubber boots (e.g. Wellington with plenty of
(Boots will be worn in the field).
Please order one full size
smaller than normal $19.97 from Sportsman GUIDE, Toll free 1-800-888-3006 item
# C99-29451X
http://www.sportsmansguide.com most item needed on your list are found here
and they offer excellent prices. Your foot ware is the most important item on
the equipment list.
- Sandals, sun hat or cap and if you like to run, a pair of
running shoes
- Sun hat or cap and bandannas (winter course students
please bring one small blanket)
- 5 tee shirts and a few pair of shorts (the worst shirts
you own)
- Bathing suit, waterproof sunblock, pajamas or sleeping
- 10 or more pairs of socks and underwear, twin sheet set
(flat sheet, standard pillow case,
fitted sheet)
- 4 pairs of light weight pants, dark color clothes (dirt
shows less on grays)
- 5 light material long-sleeve shirts (to protect your skin
from sun, thorns, etc.)
- One set of nice casual clothing (for optional trips to
Cariari or San Jose)
- Digital wrist watch (needed for data collection and
telling time; please be sure it is water resistant)
- 5 large plastic trash bags for keeping duffel bags,
clothing, and equipment dry
- Day pack/book bag (you can waterproof any bag by using
spray or brush on silicone)
- Calculator (preferably solar powered) and instructions on
its use
- Millimeter graph paper *, note book, ruler, small
combination lock and writing paper
- If you wear glasses, bring an extra pair if possible and
anti-fog drops (Speedo)
- 2-3 large thin towels and laundry soap (hand wash laundry
facilities- "low tech")
- Small personal first aid kit (Band-Aids, antibiotic
ointment, Tylenol, cold tablets, etc.)
- Pair of light weight gloves for working in the forest
- Anti-itch medications, fungal powder or cream, medication
for yeast infections if you are prone.
- U.S.C.G. Approved life vest for students going to Ometepe;
the station will provide you with free use of ocean going
kayaks (optional). You will not be allowed to use the
kayaks without the life vest.
mm camera and film, video camcorder, tape recorder, sewing
kit, laptop
computer, walkman, candy, earplugs, and snacks
Airline's baggage
limits may vary but you should be able to fit all your gear
equipment into 1 backpack or duffel bag, please lock
them (under 70 lb.).
Waterproof or water resistant
bags are preferable.
You are
required to have a passport to travel to Costa Rica. If you do
not have
a passport or need to renew yours, contact your local passport
office or
post office. It may take up to 6 weeks to process your
passport. To
obtain a passport you will need:
- Two passport sized photos
(these can be taken at quick photo shops, some travel agents,
photography studios)
- Certified birth certificate
- Photo
Identification (drivers license, student ID)
Call your local
travel agent or Post Office to find the quickest way to
process your
passport and to determine what forms of identification are
required for
the application. You can obtain a passport application at most
U.S. Post
Offices You do not need to obtain a visa to enter or leave
Costa Rica
as long as you have a valid passport. Visas are only required
for stays
of longer than 90 days. (Int'l Students need to obtain
visa) Canadian students do need a visa to enter Nicaragua,
please contact the Nicaraguan consulate at 8370 West Flagler
St., Suite 220, Miami, FL 33144. Tel: 1-305-220-6900, Fax:
All students will be required to arrive in
Costa Rica before 1 PM on the first day of class. Both
for your convenience
and for our convenience we require that all students USE
Please follow up with:
Council (CIEE:Council on
International Educational Exchange)
One Datran Center, Suite 220,
9100 S. Dadeland
Miami, Florida 33156
Ask for Angelica Vasco
Tel: 305-670-9261
This information will be provided
when you are accepted into a course.
stay near the airport)
The Hampton Inn
1-800-426-7866 54.00 USD per person, Hotel Alajuela 35.00 USD
011-506-441-6595 fax 011-506-441-7912, Las Guaria
Inn, 25.00 USD per person ph/fax 011-506-441-9573 approx 5
minutes from the Airport in Alajuela. Owners: Jose and Adriana
When entering Costa Rica and returning to
United States you will pass through Customs. You can expect a
search of your luggage. The possession of ILLEGAL
other contraband materials is considered a serious offense and
with it severe penalties (jail. The U.S. and Canadian
Governments or La Suerte cannot
"spring" Americans or Canadians from foreign jails.
Your family or friends must contact the U.S. State
Department's Citizens Emergency Center 202-647-5225 or the
State Department's main number
Emergency assistance generally pertains to four categories:
deaths, arrests, financial-medical problems
and welfare-whereabouts queries.
Illegal drugs: Conumption of illegal drugs is
prohibited to the participants of
the field course, if you do so;
you will be expelled from the course and your parents
will be informed that you are on your way home.
Alcohol policy
Consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited to
participants of the field school except
during disgnated parties. There will be at least one party per
The health and safety of each student is our
concern, and we will take every precaution to insure that all
opportunities for accidents and dangers are minimized.
However, we will
be working in an environment unfamiliar to most students, and
student must exercise caution, good judgment, and common
sense. We
expect each student to cooperate and obey rules of safety. In
you are required to report any sickness or injury to a faculty
member as
soon as possible. Delays may prolong your recuperatory period,
your ability to actively participate in the course, and limit
you, and
your classmate's opportunity to complete your research
Although you may be willing to take risks on your own, each
student must
understand that we are part of a team and we can not
accomplish our
personal and course goals without the full cooperation of each
In the event that anyone on the Field Course sustains a minor
they will be taken to the Medical Clinic in the town of La
Cariari which
is located 25 minutes from the Farm. If necessary, doctors at
the clinic
will visit the Farm to treat patients. Note: The phone at
the Station will be used for emergency only and incoming calls
from the U.S.A. 011-506-710-6856
or 710-6919
There are poisonous snakes in
Costa Rica. Generally, they pose no significant threat to our
work or
safety. The snakes tend to avoid areas heavily traveled by
humans which
include our trail system. As a precaution, we have the 24-hour
phone number of a medical doctor and clinic in the nearby
towns of
Cariari and Guapiles. They maintain a complete supply of
modern medical
equipment, antivenin, and trained personnel. In the case of
injury, the injured party can be taken by car to a hospital in
San Jose,
the capital of Costa Rica.
Please consult your doctor or public
service regarding vaccinations and medicines for travel to
Costa Rica.
You and your personal physician can make the most informed
based on your medical history. We recommend Aralen
(chloroquine) 500 mg,
1 tablet every week starting one week before departure,
continuing during the trip, and
for 6 weeks after returning. All persons should have a
tetanus booster every 10 years;
5 years for punture wounds, bites and other contaminated
La Suerte Biological Station requires
that each
student include with his or her application a standard medical
form (or
physical examination results)
signed by a physician. The form must indicate the
student's current
state of physical health, height, weight, allergies, heart
rate, blood
pressure, a list of all prescription medication the student is
and will need to take while participating in the field school,
a history
of previous medical problems, and the physician's
recommendation as
to whether the student 's health is at risk by
participating in the
field school. It is essential that we be informed about your
current and
previous medical history. You will not be permitted to
participate in
the field school unless all medical and insurance forms are
If you have any special allergies or conditions which might
result in
sudden illness (asthma, diabetes, severe allergic reactions to
stings) you must inform the faculty during the first day of
This will enable all field school participants and personnel
to be
familiar with medical needs. In addition, if you require any
medication, you must bring an adequate supply and keep this
on your person at all times. All prescription medication
should be kept
in the original bottles with the proper labels indicating
dosage. Do not
pack medication in your suitcase. Your suitcase might be lost
by the
airlines. Keep all medication in your carry-on baggage during
La Suerte
Biological Research Station provides no health or accident
All students registered in the course are required to
active medical insurance during the period of the field
school. Consult
with your insurance carrier regarding specific coverage. Many
insurance policies have very limited coverage outside the
United States
and student health insurance may not normally extend over the
Most Universities will allow students to continue their
coverage over
the summer at extremely low cost.
It is possible to purchase low
cost medical insurance (typically less than $50 per month)
students traveling overseas. Here are some established travel
companies. Please read the insurance brochure carefully before
purchasing any insurance
and make sure the policy you are buying covers the countries
you are traveling to.
- CIEE Council on Int'l Student Exchange -
- TravMed - 800-732-5309
- Travel Insurance Int'l - 800-243-3174
- Travel Guard Int'l - 800-782-5151
- Travel Assistant Int'l -800-821-2828
- Int'l SOS Assistance - 800-523-8930
You will need to take your Medical Insurance Regsitration Card
and several insurance claim forms with you
to Costa Rica.
Your tuition payment cannot be used to pay for any medical
care you may require while in Costa Rica.. You are responsible
paying for medical costs whether or not they are covered by
insurance. You should carry about $150.00, separate from
the rest of
your funds, in case your require the services of a local
clinic or
doctor for a minor illness or medical prescription.
A. Each
student is
required to write a brief statement of introduction (limit 1
double-spaced typed page) giving (1) their background, (2)
why they wish to participate in the field school and (3)
describing a
set of personal goals they hope to accomplish during the
course. In
addition, the student should indicate any special skills they
have which
make them suitable for the course.
B. In addition you are
required to have 1 academic letter of recommendation sent in
support of
your application. The recommender should be a faculty member
at your
University of College. The letter should be addressed to Al
Director, La Suerte Biological Field Station, P.O. Box
55-7519, Miami, Florida,
you are interested in receiving academic credit at your home
institution, you need to consult with you academic advisor. La
Biological Field Station cannot issue academic credit
directly. It may
be possible for a faculty member at your college or university
sponsor your participation in the course and allow you to
register for
the field school as an independent study course. In some cases
faculty sponsor will require that you submit to him or her all
of the
tests, quizzes, class notes, and final paper for evaluation.
In other
cases the faculty sponsor might only require a letter from the
Faculty of your course indicting his/her evaluation of your
in the course. You should discuss these matters and the number
of credit
hours that you are eligible to receive with your faculty
sponsor prior
to starting the field course.
You may want to bring spending money to Costa Rica or Nicaragua to purchase
souvenirs, gifts, and
other personal items. We estimate that an amount
of approximately $350.00 USD
would be sufficient. Please dont't exchange Colones
(C.R. currency) or Cordobas (Nicaragua currency) in the U.S. or Canada
and remember that traveler's checks are not
redeemed at face value. It's better to exchange at the airport or hotel
* The registration fee is required to reserve a
space in the course.
Students judged by La Suerte not suitable to take the course
or students that end up in the
waiting list (space is limited) will have their
registration fee refunded. Once you are
accepted in to our program, registration fee will not be
refunded but is transferable to
future courses.
In addition to tuition charges, please also consider the
following to determine the total
cost of participation:
Transportation and travel arrangements: You will receive specific travel details after your acceptance. You are responsible for passport, airport taxes ($20.00USD exit tax in Costa Rica/Nicaragua), visas fees (if any), as well as all Air Fare costs to and from San Jose, Costa Rica or Managua, Nicaragua : La Suerte or Ometepe will provide you with food, housing and transportation from San Jose/Managua to La Suerte or Ometepe Biological Field Station (3 hrs. bus ride in CR) and (2 hrs bus drive + 1 hr boat ride in Nicaragua).
Field Trips:Summer courses include field trips in tuition. Winter courses tuition does not include the field trips. Trip is an additional $100.00. We also offer a 10 day post class optional field trip.
Clothing and Equipment: You are responsible for personal gear, including backpacks, clothing and all the items in the
equipment list.
Immunization costs vay or may not be covered by your insurance company.
Multiple courses: If you are taking multiple courses at the two stations; bus transport will cost about $ 15.00 USD one way trip from CR to Nicaragua on first class ":Tica Bus" or "Nica Bus". You may also make arrangements to arrive in CR and leave from Nicaragua contact your travel agent for additional costs if any. Student will not be charge room and board on the overlapping days.
Ometepe only: there is a maintenance fee of $25.00 for bike use bring your helmet. Bike use is optional.
Physical Examination and Medical Insurance You are
required to have a physical exam
and active medical insurance during the period of the field
Course Credit: You should check with your
advisor/sponsor/registrar before
going in to the field. Many schools awarrd credit on a case by
case basis and most schools will
charge you for the credits you are awarded from your home
** - All course costs (tuition, room and board) and
all signed waiver, insurance,
release and indemnity forms must be received by La Suerte
Field Station at least 45 days prior to the start of
the course. Failure to pay
these costs and fill out these forms by that date can result
in losing your place
in the field school and your registration fee. Once the course
has begun, the tuition fee is non-refundable yet
can be transferred to a future course at no additional cost to
the student.
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