Rebecca Hutchinson
Course Syllabus
(Winter 2000 at Ometepe Biological Field Station, Nicaragua)
The Nature of Place:
- A site specific sculptural and installation workshop at Ometepe Field Station.
- 3-6 credit course dependent upon approval of your host institution
- December 27, 2000 - January 18, 2001
- Rebecca Hutchinson, Assistant Professor of Art,
Virginia Commonwealth University
Office phone number:(804) 828-4251
Email: Shaw_hutchinson@Compuserve.com
Course description
We will use site as our inspiration and focus on being influenced
by the history and the physicality of the surrounding ecosystems.
This personal interpretation of the sense of place can be applied
to site sensitive sculptural or installation work on the premises of
the Ometepe Field Station. The course is open to all levels of students.
General course outline
- Overview of the area ecosystems
- Plant and animal life
- Material possibilities present in the landscape
- Overview of Installation and site Specific Sculptural work
- Site understanding and site selection, philosophy of site work
- Proposal writing
- Maquette building and site drawings
- Construction and structures of 3D ideas
- Traditional Techniques
- Contemporary building possibilities
Demonstrations will be given in working with the following materials:
- Clay (Handbuilding, slip casting, sculptural techniques)
- Grasses, natural fibers (Papermaking and bookmaking, sculptural
- Vegetable dyes (Image manipulation with natural materials)
- Yucca starch (Image manipulation with natural materials)
- Rubber tree sap (Casting)
- Bamboo (Structural techniques)
- Adobe (Brick making, wattle & daub, weave)
Course format
We will have both formal lectures and informal discussions, student
presentations and workshop opportunities.
Students should familiarize themselves with the following before the
commencement of the course. Research the following:
- Fauna of the tropics of Central America
- Environmental art
- Installation art
Book titles for reference:
- Nicolas de Oliveira, Nicola Oxley, Michael Petry,
Installation Art, Smithsonian Institution Press, 1994
- Daniel L. Schodek, Structure in Sculpture, The MIT Press, 1983.
- Beardsley, Earthworks and Beyond, Cross River Press Ltd., 1989
- Lucy R. Lippard, Overlay, The New Press, 1983
- J. E. Lovelock, Gaia, New York, 1987
- Suzi Gablick, The Reenchantment of Art, New York, 1991
- Barbara C. Matilsky, Fragile Ecologies, New York, 1992.
- John Beardsley, Probing the Earth: Contemporary Land Projects,
Washington, Smithsonian Institution Press, 1977.
- Friedman, Terry and Andy Goldsworthy, Hands to Earth:
Andy Goldworthy Sculpture 1976-1990, New York, Abrams Inc. Publishers,
- Logan, William Bryant, Dirt: The Ecstatic Skin of the Earth,
New York: Riverhead Books, 1985.
- Slawson, David, The Secret Teachings in the Art of Japenese
Gardens, New York: Kadansh Int., 1987.
- Sonfist, Alan, Art in the Land: A Critical Anthology of
Environmental Art,
New York: EP Dutton Inc, 1983.
- Fuchs, R.H. Richard Long.
- Hobbs, Robert. Robert Smithson Sculpture
Required Materials
Sketchbook, favorite drawing tools, Elmers glue stick or biodegradable
leather and rubber gloves, rubber waterproof shoes and boots, 1 yard of
mosquito netting, gardening scissors; utility knife, small cordless
drill bits, needlenose pliers, light weight wire, duct tape, protective
band-aids, wax, sand paper, clothes pins, tool box with your favorite
assorted materials you think you may need; camera, film*.
*If you need to replenish your materials these may be purchased
in the nearest town to the Station, or at the station.
Artists do not need the following equipment and field gear;
write in the rain data book; all Weather pens; calculator and millimeter
graph paper. You do need the rest of the equipment and field gear.
Grading Policy:
- Journal and sketch book...20%
- Presentation...20%
- Sculptural & Site Installations...60%
Course and Field Station Policies:
In conjunction with La Suerte Biological Field Station:
- Alcohol - La Suerte does not condone use of Alcohol by students
under the age of 21.
- Drugs - The use of illegal drugs is not tolerated. Anyone found
using illegal drugs will be forced to leave the
- Academic conduct - All students are expected to work towards
creative response to the rainforest focusing on
to original work.
- Station conduct - Defamation of field station property and/or
natural resources is not tolerated.
- All students are required to receive faculty permission to leave
field station property.
- All policies will be reviewed during orientation.
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