Biological Illustration in the Field (preliminary prospectus and materials list)

Instructor, William P. Hamilton, CMI

An introduction to drawing biological subject matter under field conditions using easily transported materials. Emphasis will be on realistic drawing, and observation with attention to identification detail. There will be classroom sessions based in drawing cuboid, ovoid and spherical shapes in perspective, light and shade formulae, gesture drawing. These skills will be translated to field drawings to record specimens and environments. Students will be expected to carry sketchbooks for note takng and impromptu sketching.

Drawing basics:

Simple perspective(instruction)
Atmospheric perspective
Light and shade (understanding of)
Light and shade (manipulation of in illustration)
Emphasis through line weight and negative space

Materials basics:

Pencil, hatching and smudge (instruction)
Ink and line techniques
Wash and watercolor

Projects involving drawing from indiginous specimen material in the field.

Projects involving drawing from indiginous specimen material in classroom.

Projects will be tailored as much as possible to the individual student based upon interest and availability of specimen material.


3 Mechanical pencils 0.5 HB leads and extra leads (inexpensive).

3 black waterbased markers fine, medium, large (000, 1, 3)

1 or 2 8" by 10" approx. sketchbooks white vellum finish paper

2 Carpenter's pencils wood graphite B or HB lead

10 pads tracing paper 9" by 12" inexpensive 1 12" plastic ruler with centimeters on one edge

3 pads 9" by 12" bristol board vellum finish

1 Water color set (small inexpensive Sugest Prang OVL-8 costs under $5.00 USD.)

3 brushes #00, #5, #8 watercolor

1 Compass (caliper type)

1 plastic triagle 90 by 30 by 60 degrees

1 pen knife (sharp blade)

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