Dance Choreography in the Rain Forest

La Suerte Biological Field Station
June 22 to July 17

Instructor: Stephany Mendzela MA

Course Syllabus:

Stephany Mendzela MA
University of California Los Angeles
Department of World Arts and Cultures
124 Dance Building
Box 951608
Los Angeles, CA 90095
phone: 310-206-1342
fax: 310-825-7507

Course Description

We will use the rainforest as the inspiration for our movement explorations and choreography, and also for the site of performance. Using our environment as a stimulus, we will discover how to source movement material and how to expand upon and weave this material into thought provoking work. Principles of Laban Movement Analysis will also be woven into the class structure as a means to more closely analyze our work. Students of all levels are welcome.

General Course Outline

I. "Creating" Intelligent bodies - Daily warm-up and exploration of the kinesthetic using principles from modern and post-modern dance

II. Sourcing Material: Making Ideas Movement

III. Forming - Exploring movement in dynamics, space, and time to organize our material into coherent compositions

IV. Principles of Laban Movement Analysis - To increase our understanding of how our movement choices reflect our ideas


Students should research the following before arriving:

Book Titles for References

Albright, Ann Cooper. Choreographing Difference: The Body and Identity in Contemporary Dance. Hanover, NH: Wesleyan University Press, 1997.

Banes, Sally. Terpsichore in Sneakers: post-modern dance. Hanover, NH: Wesleyan University Press, 1987.

Beardsley, John. Probing the Earth: Contemporary Land Projects. Washington D.C.: Washinton Smithsonian Institution Press, 1977.

Blom, Lynne Anne and L. Tarin Chaplin. The Intimate Act of Choreography. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh, 1982.

Blom, Lynne and L. Tarin Chaplin. The Moment of Movement: dance improvisation. Pittsburgh, PA: Universtiy of Pittsburgh, 1988.

Dell, Cecily. A Primer for Movement Description: using effort-shape and supplementary concepts. New York: Dance Notation Bureau, 1970.

Dell, Cecily. Space Harmony. New York: Dance Notation Bureau, New York. 1977.

Desmond, Jane C. Meaning in Motion. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1997.

Ellfeldt, Lois. A Primer for Choreographers. Palo, Alto, CA: National Press Books, 1967.

Hackney, Peggy. Making Connections: total body integration through Bartenieff Fundamentals. Amsterdam: Overseas Publishers Association, 1998. v Hawkins, Alma. Moving from Within: a new method for dance making. Chicago, IL: A Cappella Books, 1991.

Hodes, Stewart. A Map of Making Dances. New York: Ardsley House Publishers Inc., 1998.

Humphrey, Doris. The Art of Making Dances. New York: Grove Weidenfeld, 1959.

Laban, Rudolf. Modern Educational Dance. 3rd ed. London: MacDonald & Evans Ltd., 1975.

Nagrin, Daniel. Dance and the Specific Image-Improvisation. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh, 1994.

Sonfist, Alan. Art in the Land: A Critical Anthology of Environmental Art. New York: EP Dutton Press, 1983.

Turner, Margery J. New Dance: approaches to nonliteral choreography. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh, 1971.

Required Materials:

Bring blank journal or sketchbook to serve as the record of your choreographic process. Also make sure to bring a notebook and pens to take notes of the theoretical aspects of the course. Bring loose fitting clothing to facilitate moving. Make sure to include clothing that will cover your legs and arms for when we are working in the rainforest. Bring waterproof boots for when we are working outside and sneakers for inside. A course reader will be formed by the instructor and will be required to be bought upon arrival at the site. Make sure to see the La Suerte recommendations on what to bring for the remainder of your needs while in the rainforest.

Grading Policy

Journal 25%
Presentation and Analysis using concepts of Laban Movement Analysis 35%
Site Specific Choreographic Project 40%

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