This region of Costa Rica is very rich in biological bio diversity and the complex interactions that take place have no parallel any where else in the planet. It also exemplifies tropical forest destruction with vivid example of the future of the low land tropical rainforest. On the one hand, biologists and researchers have been spending years trying to understand the complexity of this forest and searching for ways that would permit their sustainable development use for society benefit. On the other hand, domestic and foreign socioeconomic and political pressures promoted the indiscriminate and rapid devastation of this forest habitat.
Because of Nicaragua's civil wars and the political instability in the past, there has been relatively minimal development. These factors opened up the possibility of implementing new models of conservation. Tropical forests in Nicaragua can be purchased at a fraction of the cost compare to Costa Rica and with very little resources, huge tracks of ecosystems can be restored or preserved. We emphasize the human factor in ecological change and the environmental degradion of our planet can only be stopped with systematic land purchases and compete for land uses with the multinationals which introduce western style agricultural development (180,000) acres of rainforest in Costa Rica were transformed to banana plantations during the last two decades), International Markets requiring perfect bananas.
I would like to invite you to visit our two locations and perhaps join us on preserving our natural resources. Please feel free to contact us and we will help you with all the logistics in Central America.
The video addresses problems of deforestation in the context of the growing industry of eco-tourism. In particular, it explores the impact of local initiatives in conservation, education, scientific research, and it offers an integrative solution to some of the economic, social, and cultural aspects of sustainable development policy.